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  1. 3

    Nice video.? In a fucked up market for one. Want for a pack, I wouldn’t consider for a main .22. Thanks.

  2. 4

    if you clip 2 coils off of each of the springs in the receiver it’ll shoot the stuff that isn’t high velocity without? jamming.

  3. 5

    A silly question from a novice wannabuyone.
    If a bullet stuck, and you remove it, is it still? good or it somehow damaged?

  4. 8

    Just got this rifle. It is? one of the best .22 rifles I’ve eve had. Got it from Bass Pro Shops. Took it to the range and was around the bullseye everytime. Great rifle for beginers and just for small game hunting…

  5. 10

    I find the difference is when you shoot something for? the first time, It has sort of a “Shock Wave” then after a couple of shots it stops. this doesnt happen with .22 though.

  6. 11

    Dont trash this guy for protecting his? hearing i lost some of mine at a jackal concert you dont get that back so i wear hearing protection always unless its a bb gun:P

  7. 15

    I have had an AR7 in my pack for 30 years. I’m looking ot get one for my 18 yr old daughter for her? pack. This is a great rifle.

  8. 19

    to solve the feeding problem with the HP.? Some ramps will pose problems feeding HP when manually cycling the gun, while the semi-auto cycling after a bullet was fired will work since this is a much more powerfull and fast cycling action….

  9. 23

    I think I am going to get this gun, it is fun and it has a history that no other 22lr rifle can match. However, your shots seem to hit low, so since the front sight is made of plastic, can you file it down with sand paper and bring up? the shots up that way???? Just wondering. I am more a shot placement guy than a grouping guy.

  10. 24

    A nice piece of kit – you cannot gripe about its performance. The sign of good simple design. I want one with a wooden stock like James Bond 🙂

    Only? kidding.

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