Simply Self Sufficiency: Another Garden Update

Of course I am way behind again. I planted just a few things in the summer garden, yellow and pattypan squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips, onions, beans and herbs. The squash did great. We got a total of 26 pattypan and yellow squash and we sure did enjoy that fresh squash.
The tomatoes also did well and we had enough to freeze some though those went quickly. We would have had a lot more but we got a dry spell and then a good bit of rain and most of the later tomatoes split. I got some of them in the freezer and we ate some fresh but the spoiled quickly when they were split. 
There was a little handful of turnips and the beans grew and produced great but only about 5 of them sprouted and grew. The onions did almost nothing. I think they just didn’t get enough water. We didn’t even have green onions! The cucumbers didn’t do well either. Too hot and not enough water but we got one small one. The rest were yellow and round. 
The herbs are doing well. More rosemary than I will ever use and basil as well. Actually I am trying to make some basil bread today and there will be a post on its success or failure tomorrow. 

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