Simply Self Sufficiency: Fall Update

 I am trying to do a little fall gardening this year. I got some Louisiana Evergreen Shallots from LazyDogFarm (they have great youtube videos) and they came up great and are doing well. Then I tried turnips and beets which didn’t come up well. As a matter a fact none of the beets came up and only a couple of the turnips so I planted some in the greenhouse and they all came up so something is happening to my seeds in my fall raised beds. I don’t know what but I will just plant fall crops in the greenhouse and then transplant them to the beds from now on. I also have some fall squash out there an we’ll just have to wait and see if they do anything before we get a frost. I also planted some cucumbers in pots just as an experiment and they are growing really well but haven’t produced anything yet. I started garlic chives in pots in the greenhouse, took cuttings from my rosemary which only two of rooted but they are in a pot in the greenhouse and I cut a bunch of rosemary to dry and put in jars to use in the house. 

Today the shade cloth came off the greenhouse and it’s vents by the roof have been blocked with insulation. I believe we are cool enough now to not need the cloth any more and the plants will benefit from more sun and heat right now. I don’t want to turn on the heater until absolutely necessary. 
Garlic also got planted in the garden today. I am trying a large bulb from the grocery store and a sampler pack from SeedsNow! I have never planted garlic so we’ll just have to wait and see how it goes. 

I work in a daycare just down the street here. I have the after school children ages 5 and up. This year we got to have a little kiddie pool they bought for me for a “garden”. We planted beans and zucchini in it and the beans just died when it got hot but the zucchini kept going and produced just a few zucchini for us. I took those and made the kids zucchini bread since they had never tried it. My 5 year olds had mixed reviews but the 6 and up kids all loved it. 

That is about all that is going on here as far and the garden goes. Hope everyone’s fall gardens are doing well. Let us know in the comments. 

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