Simply Self Sufficiency: Tomato Pie

I saw this recipe on facebook. I am not a real tomato fan but Phil is so I wanted to make it and see if we liked it. It is SO simple to make.

The recipe said roma tomatoes worked best but I just had regular sized tomatoes. They were fairly firm though so that may have been why mine worked fine. You start with your crust though and cook it first. Then you lay down a layer of tomatoes (my crust fell down the sides some so I put some tomatoes up the side too.). If you use the roma tomatoes you might need a couple layers but I cut mine fairly thick so only used one layer. Before you put your tomatoes in the crust though you need to sprinkle them with salt and let them drain in a colander for 10 minutes or so (while you brown the crust) and then blot them with paper towels to remove the excess moisture.

Next you just sprinkle on some red onion. Not like a “layer” really just sprinkle some all over the tomatoes. Then you sprinkle fresh chopped basil all over the tomatoes and onions.

The topping is just grated cheese mixed with mayonnaise. I used 3/4 of an 8 oz bag of cheddar and 3/4 of an 8 oz. bag of an Italian blend. You put just enough mayonnaise in it to hold it together. Then you spread it and flatten it out with a spoon on top of your tomatoes, onions and basil.

Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees or until the top browns. LET SET at least 20 minutes before cutting.

It was wonderful!!

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