Special Forces Vet Tim Kennedy To Joe Rogan: Mass Terrorism Is Coming To America, “It Should Scare You To Death, We’re Going To Have A Real Bad Year”

> Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Special Forces Vet Tim Kennedy To Joe Rogan: Mass Terrorism Is Coming To America, “It Should Scare You To Death, We’re Going To Have A Real Bad Year”

Special Forces Vet Tim Kennedy To Joe Rogan: Mass Terrorism Is Coming To America, “It Should Scare You To Death, We’re Going To Have A Real Bad Year”

When it begins, and I believe that it will, it will be more than just a “bad year.” It’ll be a few very, very bad years that immediately precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Be prepared, first and foremost, spiritually

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Tim Kennedy: “Google how many known people on the terror watch list have made it across [our open borders] and it’ll scare the crap out of you… the number of those that we have captured at the border, obviously, is just going to be a drop in a bucket… in light of what just happened in Israel where … they were able to kill 1,400 people in one day and then you look at the number — and that was a thousand insurgents total –and then you look at the number of people that have been coming over the border for the past three years that we know are radicalized that we know are on watch lists… it should scare you to death. The position that we’re at we’re going to have a real bad year … Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, yesterday, they talked about a bunch of known terrorist cells that are currently … looking for opportunities, targets of opportunity, to conduct terrorist activities here in the United States. The Department of Homeland or Department of State just released an entire worldwide warning to all Americans traveling abroad saying that it is dangerous for any American to be traveling anywhere in the world right now with the amount of terrorist cells that have now been activated…” Watch the clip below (Warning: Language)

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