Sweden: Muslims Stream Three-Hour Rape On Facebook Live

If their “prophet” were alive today, he’d be live-streaming every rape and war crime possible. For peaceful purposes …

Al Rod Al Anf, Volume 2, Page 182: “You see [our god Allah] will soon make you inherit their land, their treasures and make you sleep with [rape] their women.” – The “prophet” Mohammed

Revelation 9:21, “And they did not repent of … their sexual immorality …”

Nor the treatment of women by Muslim men in the West

By Patrick Knox, The Sun – “TWO migrants from Afghanistan have reportedly been arrested over the three-hour gang rape of a woman that was broadcast on Facebook Live.

The two men, aged 18 and 20, who are both from Afghanistan, were arrested in the city at the weekend after police were tipped off by social media users, it was reported by The Local newspaper.

The third man, a Swedish citizen aged 24 according to court documents seen by The Local, was detained on suspicion of failing to reveal rape which shocked the world after it appeared on Facebook live.

The three, who cannot be legally identified under Swedish law, have not been charged.

In Sweden a person suspected of a serious crime can be detained without being charged with the approval of a court.

But this is only if there is a risk they will flee the country.” Read more.

The Qur’anic Con: How Revelation’s Predictive Biblical Prophecy Foresaw Islamic Teachings – “Although not all Muslims are sexual deviants, sexual deviancy is explicitly permitted, even encouraged, in Islam… This behavior isn’t confined to Saudi Arabia, the Middle East or even to Islamic countries, however. In a non-Muslim land such as the UK, for instance, the Muslim population accounts for just 4{8a05783137a543f0d1b8dbd8e23d73f075e0d0841b710ae3051fabc69afe120d} of the British population yet has 200 times the number of sexual perpetrators than any other group. Muslim taxi drivers are reportedly assaulting and raping hundreds, perhaps thousands, of British girls every year. Muslim sex gangs are waging ‘rape Jihad’ against British children. An alarming number of Muslim clerics across the UK are condoning child marriage. From Sweden to Norway, from France to Germany, Denmark, Spain and elsewhere, sexual immorality within the Muslim community is running rampant all across Europe and far beyond. As a Muslim prayer leader from Egypt who was caught sexually assaulting girls during a trip to Australia explained, such behavior is simply part of his Islamic culture.” Read more.

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