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Archive: Forget Doom and Gloom: Preparedness is the Ultimate Act of Optimism

Note from Daisy:  With all of the hullabaloo about Ebola lately, it seems like a good time to remind ourselves of why we prepare. We don’t do it out of fear. We do it because we like the peace of mind it brings.  When we are ready for anything from a job loss to a power outage to an outright apocalypse, we know that we can handle whatever life sends our way. A preparedness lifestyle is a constant affirmation that we will persevere. Does this sound familiar? You’re talking to a friend or family member who isn’t on board with preparedness.  (And it’s even worse…

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6 Cleaning Necessities for Your Stockpile

If you have these 6 items, there’s nothing you can’t clean: Baking soda Bleach Borax Dawn dish soap  Table salt White vinegar Many of us have spent our valuable dollars buying the latest in cleaning supplies.  What we’re really paying for is harsh chemicals (some of them carcinogenic) and artificial fragrances (many of which are also unhealthy).  Instead, consider stocking up on these basic items, which will allow you to make any household cleaner you might need.  Most of the time you can purchase these items on sale or in bulk quantities.  As well, they all serve other purposes besides basic cleaning, which maximizes your storage space. Baking …

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Serfdom and the Feudal System: What’s Old is New Again

The period of history from the 5th to the 15th century was known as the Middle Ages.  During this time, the law of the land in Europe was known as the “feudal system.”  This was the manner in which the upper 10{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} (the nobility) controlled the lower 90{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} (the serfs or peasants). There were a few kings who were very wealthy and powerful, who owned all of the land.  To maintain control of this land, it was broken into fiefdoms and pieces were given to friends of the kings (barons).  The barons then allotted land to their friends and allies in order to…