news Survivalism

Can Your Food Storage Keep You Alive During a Doomsday?

There has been a lot of talk about of the world ending recently due to the Mayan calendar. The calendar was suppose to abruptly on December, 21st, 2012. Since we all clearly saw nothing happened and we are all living today, there was no doomsday. However, since some people did believe that this was going to happen, some people were smart and stocked up on emergency supplies which honestly is not a bad idea. With the economy collapsing, war raging out of control, diseases spreading, and stronger hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, and other storms, becoming a prepper isn’t such a bad idea. A prepper is a person who stores a large amount of food and water inside their home. …

news Self-sufficiency

Free Deer Meat

We went to town this morning to pick up a few things and just as we got back the phone rang and it was my brother, Rob. He said, ” Ah…what are you doing today?” My brother doesn’t call to just chit-chat so I knew he needed something and I said, “Nothing.” And we really didn’t have plans to do anything special anyway. He said he had a deer and wanted to know could he bring it out to skin and cut up. So I said sure. After all, we’re getting pretty good at it. Why not? So he brought the deer out.It had been given to him by some of his first wife’s family. It …

news Self-sufficiency

Venison Heart and Liver with Mushrooms Meal

You were expecting cookies or candies, I suppose…. well, we did make cookies and cherry pie but this post is about what I made for supper. The deer meat sitting in the cooler can’t sit there for more than a couple of days and room in the freezer is..questionable so some of it had to be used and I was curious about the heart and liver. Phil normally is more of a fan of liver than I am but I do like heart meat. I did a little investigating online and then came up with this: Take the heart and clean it out really …