news Libertarianism

The New Joy of Gay Sex

From Free Life, Issue 19, November 1993 ISSN: 0260 5112 The New Joy of Gay Sex Dr Charles Silverstein and Edmund White The Gay Men’s Press, London, 1993, 220 pp., £16.95 (ISBN 0 85449 214 3) Reviewed by Sean Gabb I did think of turning this review into a plea for the toleration of sexual differences. But where homosexuals are concerned, I suspect I am about a decade too late. I will not claim that they have today no justified grievances. The criminal and civil law of this country embodies a mass of prejudice which ranges from the petty to the viciously destructive. Even so, the argument for removing that prejudice has been largely won …

news Libertarianism

Briefly in Praise of Edward Gibbon

by Sean Gabb from 2000 It may have been observed that no issue of Free Life appeared between last October and January. The blame for this lapse is entirely mine, but the reason is Edward Gibbon. I opened the first volume of his Decline and Fall one Sunday afternoon in September, and closed the last volume early in December. During this time, almost every moment not reserved to earning a living or to the cares of married life was given up to reading Gibbon. I read him on railway trains and in the gaps between lectures. I read him in bed and once very furtively in the Church of St Mary le …