News Collapse of Society

Has Peak Oil Newbie “Bought the Farm”?

Dr. K., I only leaned about peak oil about a year ago. I’ve discussed it with my husband and family and at least my daughter and her husband have bought a small farm and are starting to re-calibrate.  My husband and I hope against hope to sell our home so we can be near them to help.  Is it too late for my husband and i to  make changes to compensate, or do you think there’s a chance that we can get there yet, as we’re a little late comers to the news? Thanks Dr. K. Late to the “Party” Hi LthP, I hope …

News Collapse of Society

Has Peak Oil Newbie “Bought the Farm”?

Dr. K., I only leaned about peak oil about a year ago. I’ve discussed it with my husband and family and at least my daughter and her husband have bought a small farm and are starting to re-calibrate.  My husband and I hope against hope to sell our home so we can be near them to help.  Is it too late for my husband and i to  make changes to compensate, or do you think there’s a chance that we can get there yet, as we’re a little late comers to the news? Thanks Dr. K. Late to the “Party” Hi LthP, I hope you and your family have moved to a farm …

News Collapse of Society

The Peak Shrink on Peak Moments TV: Seeking the Happy Story (part 1) – But What Do You Feel?

Published on May 2, 2013 We live in a culture that wants only the upbeat response, the story with the happy ending. We marginalize people who express anger or grief about the impossible predicament we’re in — societal and ecological collapse. Clinical psychologist Kathy “Peak Shrink” McMahon, uses empathy and humor to encourage people to really feel their emotions about having their worldview shattered. She responds to the myth that technology will save us, explains why politicians won’t talk about the predicament, and supports people to see what’s going on in spite of the cultural denial. Episode 233. Read more about Peak Moments TV and an earlier interview with Dr. K and Janaia Donaldson here. The post The Peak…

News Collapse of Society

Mike Ruppert on the Third Date

 Hey Peak Shrink! I read your help-letter from the lesbian couple looking to relocate.  My partner and I moved from Sacramento to Nevada County almost two years ago.  It was very scary but it was a wonderful choice.  We are super happy here.  I would love to be put in touch with the writer.  You can give her my email address. The letter inspired me to write a blog about our story. Feel free to post it to your website of refer it to other readers if you want.  🙂 Hillary Hodge ********************** My partner had “taken the red pill” and was hip to peak oil before I had been introduced to the concept. I knew intuitively that society…

News Collapse of Society

Mike Ruppert on the Third Date

 Hey Peak Shrink! I read your help-letter from the lesbian couple looking to relocate.  My partner and I moved from Sacramento to Nevada County almost two years ago.  It was very scary but it was a wonderful choice.  We are super happy here.  I would love to be put in touch with the writer.  You can give her my email address. The letter inspired me to write a blog about our story. Feel free to post it to your website of refer it to other readers if you want.  🙂 Hillary Hodge ********************** My partner had “taken the red pill” and was hip to peak…

News Collapse of Society

Communing with the Dead

by Kathy McMahon, Psy.D. (I extend my sympathies to all of those who have lost loved ones, or are suffering as a result of Hurricane Sandy.  It is my hope that this post (updated from last year) will be of use.*) Over this next week, too many people who survived Hurricane Sandy will die from preventable causes. The living can learn a lot from the tragic death of disaster victims. What killed them? What were they doing when they died? Their death can become a “teaching tale” that benefits the living. Tales from the Grave Behavioral researcher Wendy Joung studied firefighter errors in judgment, and…

News Collapse of Society

Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow.

Today is the last day on Earth, according to some New Age interpretation of the Mayan calendar. This belief has caused endless suffering and useless expensive purchases by people trying to “beat the clock” and find somewhere safe to spend their last few hours.  Cheap places have suddenly become outrageously expensive, because someone said “Hang out there!” during your final hours. This story caused one young woman to take her life. However, saying “Goodbye to Tomorrow” has a long history that goes beyond this moment in time.  Humans are famous for planning the end of not only their own anticipated deaths, but because that is just too commonplace, they have to anticipate the death of…

News Collapse of Society

Grappling with the Inexplicable – A Psychologist Looks at Newtown CT

A Reason to Kill It was a quiet afternoon, when the man walked in, holding a gun. He was looking for his wife’s therapist. He was angry, and was convinced that it was this therapist, not his wife’s own decision-making, that had led her to decide to divorce him. By the time he was finished shooting, one therapist was dead, another shot and permanently blinded. The man was a good shot. He was a police officer. I began working with couples in that same clinic several years later. There is a certain edge to a place that has experienced gross, unpredictable violence, even years earlier. That…

News Collapse of Society

In Memory of Chuck Willis

Chuck Willis Teaching about Peak Oil Major contributor to this blog, and my dear friend Chuck Willis, died suddenly on Tuesday, Oct 30, 2012 in Wichita, Kansas. Chuck has contributed 54 blog entries during his years of writing for Peak Oil Blues.  He was working on another one right before he died.  His son will finish it and forward it to me. Here is my tribute to him. Early Years College In 1960 – 1965, Chuck received his B.S. in both Math and Physics at The University of Texas at Austin. Chuck spent his professional career doing many things. Early Work in Computers He worked on the earliest prototypes of computers.  In 2008, he wrote …

News Collapse of Society

Mike Ruppert on the Third Date

 Hey Peak Shrink! I read your help-letter from the lesbian couple looking to relocate.  My partner and I moved from Sacramento to Nevada County almost two years ago.  It was very scary but it was a wonderful choice.  We are super happy here.  I would love to be put in touch with the writer.  You can give her my email address. The letter inspired me to write a blog about our story. Feel free to post it to your website of refer it to other readers if you want.  🙂 Hillary Hodge ********************** My partner had “taken the red pill” …

News Collapse of Society

Post Peak Career? Forget Law, Consider Geology

In 2007, Byron King was chatting with Mr. Wang, a marine geologist from China, and what he learned knocked his socks off: “There are about 40,000 or 50,000 students studying geology in China today at the university level. Maybe more, but I do not want to give you a number that is too high.” That’s about 25 times the students studying in the US (and about half the US graduates are foreign nationals). For every geologist in the US, we have about 50-100 lawyers, King estimates. What about the population difference?  China has 4 times our population, but 50 times the number of geologists. First year salaries: Lawyers: $38,118 – $91,256 Petroleum…

News Collapse of Society

Grappling with the Inexplicable – A Psychologist Looks at Newtown CT

A Reason to Kill It was a quiet afternoon, when the man walked in, holding a gun. He was looking for his wife’s therapist. He was angry, and was convinced that it was this therapist, not his wife’s own decision-making, that had led her to decide to divorce him. By the time he was finished shooting, one therapist was dead, another shot and permanently blinded. The man was a good shot. He was a police officer. I began working with couples in that same clinic several years later. There is a certain edge to a place that has experienced gross, unpredictable violence, even years earlier. That agency was lucky in some ways, because it had some excuse, some explanation for why it happened. The shooter …

News Collapse of Society

Post Peak Career? Forget Law, Consider Geology

In 2007, Byron King was chatting with Mr. Wang, a marine geologist from China, and what he learned knocked his socks off: “There are about 40,000 or 50,000 students studying geology in China today at the university level. Maybe more, but I do not want to give you a number that is too high.” That’s about 25 times the students studying in the US (and about half the US graduates are foreign nationals). For every geologist in the US, we have about 50-100 lawyers, King estimates. What about the population difference?  China has 4 times our population, but 50 times the number of geologists. First year salaries: Lawyers: $38,118 – $91,256 Petroleum Geologists: $44,385 – …

News Collapse of Society

Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow.

Today is the last day on Earth, according to some New Age interpretation of the Mayan calendar. This belief has caused endless suffering and useless expensive purchases by people trying to “beat the clock” and find somewhere safe to spend their last few hours.  Cheap places have suddenly become outrageously expensive, because someone said “Hang out there!” during your final hours. This story caused one young woman to take her life. However, saying “Goodbye to Tomorrow” has a long history that goes beyond this moment in time.  Humans are famous for planning the end of not only their own anticipated deaths, but because that is just too commonplace, they have to anticipate the death of everyone and everything around them. The End of the World…

News Collapse of Society

Mike Ruppert on the Third Date

 Hey Peak Shrink! I read your help-letter from the lesbian couple looking to relocate.  My partner and I moved from Sacramento to Nevada County almost two years ago.  It was very scary but it was a wonderful choice.  We are super happy here.  I would love to be put in touch with the writer.  You can give her my email address. The letter inspired me to write a blog about our story. Feel free to post it to your website of refer it to other readers if you want.  🙂 Hillary Hodge ********************** My partner had “taken the red pill” and was hip to peak oil before I had …