News Collapse of Society

Sewing for Sustainability; Making Feudalism Fabulous

Heather CallaghanActivist PostWithout going on a diatribe about the hallmarks of modern “science” – a cult-ure of culturing the public – I would just like to say I’ve read yet another asinine piece pretending to be a study. It is a thinly veiled attempt to influence young people to “do without even less than you have now, and get used to it – embrace it. And by the way, you suck at life.”Read enough studies and you get a clear underlying tone: “You are worthless, you are small, you are the cancer on the earth, do without, don’t even exhale or you might damage the Earth – you should be taxed for that…” and so on. It’s …

Products Safety & Survival

Sabre .54-Ounce Pepper Spray with Compact Pink Economy Key Ring (Supports National Breast Cancer Foundation)

Cool style and hot protection are combined in SABRE’s most economical product. This attractive, PINK compact pepper spray delivers a strong ballistic stream to reduce […]

News Collapse of Society

Top 10 Most Dangerous U.S. Government Agencies

“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress” Activist Post We have chosen to highlight United States agencies; however, this top 10 list has global impact, as the U.S. has now proven to be the enforcement division of the overarching globalist agenda of centralized control. One could argue that every government agency serves the purpose of stifling freedom and wasting taxpayer money. Yet, the 10 listed below go the extra mile for their sheer corruption, draconian regulations, and ultimate impact upon the largest number of citizens. The main criteria for inclusion in the top 10 is the amount of money spent by the taxpayer according to official budget declarations, and then attaining the highest level of doing exactly the opposite of…

News Collapse of Society

60 Facts That Prove The American Middle Class is Being Wiped Out

Michael Snyder, Contributor Activist Post The middle class in the United States is being systematically destroyed, and nobody is doing much of anything to stop it. Our incomes are shrinking, our share of the income pie is at an all-time low, our jobs are being sent overseas, debt burdens have soared to unprecedented heights and millions of formerly middle class Americans have fallen into poverty. America once had the largest and most vibrant middle class that the world has ever seen, but now it is rapidly being shredded. Unfortunately, this is particularly true for younger Americans. Today, families that have a head of household that is under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent. That is astounding. The…

News Collapse of Society

60 Facts That Prove The American Middle Class is Being Wiped Out

Michael Snyder, Contributor Activist Post The middle class in the United States is being systematically destroyed, and nobody is doing much of anything to stop it. Our incomes are shrinking, our share of the income pie is at an all-time low, our jobs are being sent overseas, debt burdens have soared to unprecedented heights and millions of formerly middle class Americans have fallen into poverty. America once had the largest and most vibrant middle class that the world has ever seen, but now it is rapidly being shredded. Unfortunately, this is particularly true for younger Americans. Today, families that have a head of household that is under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent. That…

News Collapse of Society

Technocratic Fiat Implosions and the Battle Over Gold

Susanne Posel, Contributor Activist Post In 2011, the technocrats devised a scheme, with the assistance of Hans Hoogervorst, appointed chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board, that Europe would be included in IFRS9, a new rule that eliminates mark-to-market accounting of sovereign debt from the European Central Bank’s balance sheets. When mark-to-market practices were installed in 2009, it led to a short-term market recovery, which presented a false positive as banking institutions no longer had to provide capital to promote long-term financial stability. In the Euro-Zone, banks can now conduct business as sovereign debt becomes the only path that can be taken by countries being affected by the technocratic takeover. Under the guise of creating jobs, Ben…

News Collapse of Society

Can Trillion Dollar Coins Pay Off National Debt?

Youtube Enter Your Email To Receive Our Newsletter Close var fnames = new Array();var ftypes = new Array();fnames0=’EMAIL’;ftypes0=’email’;fnames1=’FNAME’;ftypes1=’text’;fnames2=’LNAME’;ftypes2=’text’;var err_style = ”; try err_style = mc_custom_error_style; catch(e) err_style = ‘margin: 1em 0 0 0; padding: 1em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; background: FFEEEE none repeat scroll 0{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} 0{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9}; font- weight: bold; float: left; z-index: 1; width: 80{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9}; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz- initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; color: FF0000;’; var mce_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(); mce_jQuery(document).ready( function($) { var options = { errorClass: ‘mce_inline_error’, errorElement: ‘div’, errorStyle: err_style, onkeyup: …

News Collapse of Society

Say Goodbye To The Good Life

Will this be the last normal holiday season that Americans ever experience?  To many Americans, such a notion would be absolutely inconceivable.  After all, in the affluent areas of the country restaurants and malls are absolutely packed.  Beautiful holiday decorations are seemingly everywhere this time of the year and children all over the United States are breathlessly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus.  Even though poverty is exploding to unprecedented levels, most families will still have mountains of presents under their Christmas trees.  Of course a whole lot of those presents were purchased with credit cards, but people don’t like to talk about that.  It kind of spoils the illusion.  Sadly, the truth is that our entire economy is a giant illusion.  The…

News Collapse of Society

Technocratic Fiat Implosions and the Battle Over Gold

Susanne Posel, Contributor Activist Post In 2011, the technocrats devised a scheme, with the assistance of Hans Hoogervorst, appointed chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board, that Europe would be included in IFRS9, a new rule that eliminates mark-to-market accounting of sovereign debt from the European Central Bank’s balance sheets. When mark-to-market practices were installed in 2009, it led to a short-term market recovery, which presented a false positive as banking institutions no longer had to provide capital to promote long-term financial stability. In the Euro-Zone, banks can now conduct business as sovereign debt becomes the only path that can be taken by countries being affected by the technocratic takeover. Under the guise of creating jobs, Ben …

News Collapse of Society

60 Facts That Prove The American Middle Class is Being Wiped Out

Michael Snyder, Contributor Activist Post The middle class in the United States is being systematically destroyed, and nobody is doing much of anything to stop it. Our incomes are shrinking, our share of the income pie is at an all-time low, our jobs are being sent overseas, debt burdens have soared to unprecedented heights and millions of formerly middle class Americans have fallen into poverty. America once had the largest and most vibrant middle class that the world has ever seen, but now it is rapidly being shredded. Unfortunately, this is particularly true for younger Americans. Today, families that have a head of household that is under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent. That…