news firearms

DDDDDDrop the Bass! (Calculating Bullet Drop)

A bullet’s path is not a straight line. I know most of you are saying “well, duh”. I think it’s safe to say that we all know a bullet will eventually hit the ground however the details concerning path of a fired bullet is not considered by most outside of the standard “know your target and what’s behind it” safety commandment. You know who does consider the path a bullet follows in great detail? Rifle shooters. Maths and stuff after the jump!

news firearms

A $100 Hunting Rifle?

I’ll say this right off the bat: I’ve always been more of a handgun guy. I don’t hunt. I have nothing against hunting and such, I just don’t do it and, I must admit, I don’t have an interest in hunting. So the desire to purchase a rifle or shotgun was never really on my radar. That’s why TJ is a writer for the site. He hunts. He loves rifles. He knows a lot about them. That way, I could stick with my handguns. Then a buddy of mine let me shoot some of his rifles…

news firearms

A $100 Hunting Rifle?

I’ll say this right off the bat: I’ve always been more of a handgun guy. I don’t hunt. I have nothing against hunting and such, I just don’t do it and, I must admit, I don’t have an interest in hunting. So the desire to purchase a rifle or shotgun was never really on my radar. That’s why TJ is a writer for the site. He hunts. He loves rifles. He knows a lot about them. That way, I could stick with my handguns. Then a buddy of mine let me shoot some of his rifles…

news firearms

A $100 Hunting Rifle?

I’ll say this right off the bat: I’ve always been more of a handgun guy. I don’t hunt. I have nothing against hunting and such, I just don’t do it and, I must admit, I don’t have an interest in hunting. So the desire to purchase a rifle or shotgun was never really on my radar. That’s why TJ is a writer for the site. He hunts. He loves rifles. He knows a lot about them. That way, I could stick with my handguns. Then a buddy of mine let me shoot some of his rifles…

news firearms


Okay, I understand some are reluctant to talk about ARs in the aftermath of Newtown, but since apparently there’s like a billion new AR owners out there thanks to all the talk of a new assault weapons ban, we should probably start talking about them again. Today, we’re talking about SPORTS. Look, nobody talks about what you should do if your AK47 malfunctions because, let’s face it, if your AK47 has a malfunction you can just bang it against a rock to get it working again. AR15s are much more finicky. They malfunction. It’s a fact of life. They’ll malfunction when they’re…