news Survivalism

Pioneer Preps: Improve Your Magnesium Bar

Since 1973, magnesium bar fire starters have been around. A simple, waterproof, arguably unbreakable, fire starter that can get hot enough to light wet tinder. The bar can produce many shavings to make quite a few fires. Here though, is possibly the only downfall to the magnesium bar: making the shavings. It takes awhile and one has to be very careful not to allow all the shavings they have scraped off to scatter to the wind. Can it be done? Of course, I myself have done this many times on my bug out adventures, but it did get me thinking on how one could improve upon the design. Hence I bring you the Improved Magnesium Bar. By Grimm, contributing author to SHTFblog and Survival Cache With a little…

news Survivalism

Winter Survival

Conventional wisdom dictates that you have shelter within three hours of becoming lost or stranded in the wilderness. However, in extreme cold conditions if you are not properly clothed you will need shelter and fire almost immediately to prevent hypothermia. Hypothermia is a medical condition diagnosed when your body loses heat faster that it can produce heat. Once your core body temperature drops from an average of 98.6?F/37?C to 95?F/35?C, you are in the initial stages of hypothermia, which is fatal if not treated promptly. Even when properly clothed, you can develop hypothermia if you are exposed to the cold for long periods. Wet clothing or submersion in water …