News Collapse of Society

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly From The Fiscal Cliff Deal

The fiscal cliff deal contains more bad news than it does good news.  Yes, the tax increases on the middle class could have been much worse, and we should be thankful that Congress at least did something for the middle class.  Unfortunately, they didn’t do enough.  Every American worker is going to pay higher taxes next year as a result of this deal.  The fiscal cliff deal represents the biggest tax increase in 20 years, and it is also projected to increase the U.S. national debt by an additional 4 trillion dollars over the next decade.  In the final analysis, U.S. government finances are still wildly out of…

News Collapse of Society

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly From The Fiscal Cliff Deal

The fiscal cliff deal contains more bad news than it does good news.  Yes, the tax increases on the middle class could have been much worse, and we should be thankful that Congress at least did something for the middle class.  Unfortunately, they didn’t do enough.  Every American worker is going to pay higher taxes next year as a result of this deal.  The fiscal cliff deal represents the biggest tax increase in 20 years, and it is also projected to increase the U.S. national debt by an additional 4 trillion dollars over the next decade.  In the final analysis, U.S. government finances are still wildly out of control and we are …

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What Another 4 Years of Obama Means

Note: Before you read this, I want you to know that I did not vote for Obama or Romney. This is not a partisan message, only observations about what has happened and speculation about what might happen in the months ahead. The day after Obama was reelected, the stock market fell 313 points. The second day after, the market fell 121 points. That’s a 434-point drop in two-days’ time. And it reflects the market’s anticipation that things are going to get worse during Obama’s second term. During a president’s second term, he can pursue whatever policies he wants because he no longer fears losing reelection. So during Obama’s second term, we ought to expect…