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The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-watch…

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The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards…

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The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-…