news Survivalism

Can Your Food Storage Keep You Alive During a Doomsday?

There has been a lot of talk about of the world ending recently due to the Mayan calendar. The calendar was suppose to abruptly on December, 21st, 2012. Since we all clearly saw nothing happened and we are all living today, there was no doomsday. However, since some people did believe that this was going to happen, some people were smart and stocked up on emergency supplies which honestly is not a bad idea. With the economy collapsing, war raging out of control, diseases spreading, and stronger hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, and other storms, becoming a prepper isn’t such a bad idea. A prepper is a person who stores a large amount of food and water inside their home. …

news Survivalism

Knife Safety Considerations

The knife is a highly versatile tool and your mastery of it is an indispensable skill for survival situations. A knife could be used for a myriad of things in the great outdoors, so in this topic we are going to teach you some basic knife safety skills to prevent accidents from happening to you and others. For starters you need to be aware that most knives have two critical parts, which are the sharp razor’s edge and the point. Rule number one keep all the sharp edges and the point, away from you and other people. Never point a knife at anyone, nor engage in horseplay when holding a knife. Following this rule at all …

news Survivalism

Knife Safety Considerations

The knife is a highly versatile tool and your mastery of it is an indispensable skill for survival situations. A knife could be used for a myriad of things in the great outdoors, so in this topic we are going to teach you some basic knife safety skills to prevent accidents from happening to you and others. For starters you need to be aware that most knives have two critical parts, which are the sharp razor’s edge and the point. Rule number one keep all the sharp edges and the point, away from you and other people. Never point a knife at anyone, nor engage …

news Survivalism

Winter Survival

Conventional wisdom dictates that you have shelter within three hours of becoming lost or stranded in the wilderness. However, in extreme cold conditions if you are not properly clothed you will need shelter and fire almost immediately to prevent hypothermia. Hypothermia is a medical condition diagnosed when your body loses heat faster that it can produce heat. Once your core body temperature drops from an average of 98.6?F/37?C to 95?F/35?C, you are in the initial stages of hypothermia, which is fatal if not treated promptly. Even when properly clothed, you can develop hypothermia if you are exposed to the cold for long periods. Wet clothing or submersion in water …

news Survivalism

Learning Survival Thinking from Rural People

People have different lifestyles, which they prefer to get along with, in their lifetime. Some people are very fond of discussing survival lifestyle topics and things related to it. But others want to stick with the lifestyle they are living and they have no interest in such survival discussions. This group can be divided in two branches. One group consists of those people who are ready to reject the convenient lifestyle of today and adopt a life, which is unique and creative. The second group is the one in which people think that their current lifestyle is simple and convenient for them. Many of us modern day people cannot think of living on a farm miles away from town. But people living in rural area…

news Survivalism

Survivalist Schools in the US and Abroad

In today’s uncertain world, the possibility of an actual doomsday is quite real to many individuals. From global warming and the environment to the economic crisis and war, people are becoming seriously concerned about their survival, as well as the survival of their family members. If there comes a day when people are forced to live off of what they have at their immediate disposal as well as the land around them, it is important to know how to respond and just what to do. While hoarding supplies like water and canned goods is definitely beneficial, there is much more that can be learned about surviving during and in the aftermath of an all out disaster. With doomsday being a very …

news Survivalism

Knife Safety Considerations

The knife is a highly versatile tool and your mastery of it is an indispensable skill for survival situations. A knife could be used for a myriad of things in the great outdoors, so in this topic we are going to teach you some basic knife safety skills to prevent accidents from happening to you and others. For starters you need to be aware that most knives have two critical parts, which are the sharp razor’s edge and the point. Rule number one keep all the sharp edges and the point, away from you and other people. Never point a knife at …

news Survivalism

The World of Zombies

Zombies are everywhere…in video games, movies, costumes, clothing, posters, books, and calendars… everywhere we walk zombies seem to be following in our shadow, just a short distance away. Is it possible that the world is being overrun by zombies? The popularity of zombies seems to have brought the walking-dead back to life. Zombie merchandise is gaining in popularity with a cult following that spans the ages. And the interest in zombies goes far beyond a population obsessed with movies and DVD’s. Zombies have found their way into costumes, conventions, magazines and books, artwork, music… in fact zombies appear to be taking over the internet! Online searches include game applications such as ‘The Walking Dead’…

news Survivalism

Knife Safety Considerations

The knife is a highly versatile tool and your mastery of it is an indispensable skill for survival situations. A knife could be used for a myriad of things in the great outdoors, so in this topic we are going to teach you some basic knife safety skills to prevent accidents from happening to you and others. For starters you need to be aware that most knives have two critical parts, which are the sharp razor’s edge and the point. Rule number one keep all the sharp edges and the point, away from you and other people. Never point a knife at anyone, nor engage in horseplay when holding a knife. Following this rule at all times will ensure that you avoid accidentally …

news Survivalism

The World of Zombies

Zombies are everywhere…in video games, movies, costumes, clothing, posters, books, and calendars… everywhere we walk zombies seem to be following in our shadow, just a short distance away. Is it possible that the world is being overrun by zombies? The popularity of zombies seems to have brought the walking-dead back to life. Zombie merchandise is gaining in popularity with a cult following that spans the ages. And the interest in zombies goes far beyond a population obsessed with movies and DVD’s. Zombies have found their way into costumes, conventions, magazines and books, artwork, music… in fact zombies appear to be taking …