news Libertarianism

From Australia

Sorry, Mick — The knives are next.Received in e-mail:Here’s a thought to warm some of your hearts….From: Ed Chenel, A police officer in AustraliaHi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the realfigures from Down Under.It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law tosurrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our owngovernment, a program costing Australia taxpayersmore than $500 million dollars.The first year results are now in:Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent…

news Libertarianism

Let it begin here

Easing into my 40s, I’m finally starting to understand the urgency of time, and the appeal of leaving a lasting legacy. What will I leave behind to my daughters, and my nieces and nephews? What can I do for my grandchildren before they’re even born, so that they have an opportunity for a life as

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what you need on hand: Pretty self explanatory. You don’t want to…

news Libertarianism

Garrison: If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?

Blogger Dean Garrison provides a well-reasoned and impassioned argument for defending the liberty of this Republic with all necessary lethal force against those who would undermine both the Constitution and natural rights. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, and we do not bow to mob rule, even if the mob are wearing $1,000

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what you need on hand: Pretty self explanatory. You don’t…

news Survivalism

Been to a gun shop lately?

I live in South Carolina and have visited several gun shops as well as stores that carry firearms and ammunition.  All are pretty much the same – no semi-automatic firearms (centerfire or rimfire), no magazines, and several calibers of ammunition virtually absent. Don’t see this anymore. With the threat of a new Assault Weapons Ban just over the horizon, there has been a massive rush on guns, magazines and ammunition – specifically AK’s, AR’s and the like. 7.62 x 39mm, .223/5.56mm, and 9mm ammunition have disappeared off the shelves along with .22LR.  Any and all magazines holding over 10 rounds are gone or selling online for big bucks. …..nor this. I felt pretty squared away with …

news Libertarianism


At great personal cost, the Founding Father purchased a precious gift for us. They risked their lives, their homes, and their reputations and endured becoming traitors. They did so in order to throw off the chains of monarchy in order to preserve the freedoms given by God, which should never be constrained by man. After

news Libertarianism

Garrison: If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?

Blogger Dean Garrison provides a well-reasoned and impassioned argument for defending the liberty of this Republic with all necessary lethal force against those who would undermine both the Constitution and natural rights. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, and we do not bow to mob rule, even if the mob are wearing $1,000

news Libertarianism

What you’ll see in the rebellion: A nation of Sarajevos

When I wrote What you’ll seen in the rebellion, I had no idea how widely read an article warning of the dangers of second Revolutionary War could become. It has been “shared” thousands of times in social media, and new readers and comments are pouring in constantly. Since the time it was written, state legislators

news Prepping

Feinstein To Ban Hammers And Clubs?

image source: BREITBART There are more people killed each year from hammers and clubs than there are from rifles. Will Senator Feinstein target these hammers and clubs as soon as she’s through gutting the 2nd Amendment? According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle. Here’s a question that is apparently mind bogglingly difficult to comprehend by Feinstein and her accomplices in the Administration and the main stream media… “Did the hammers, clubs, and rifles do the killing? Or… were the crimes committed …

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what …

news Survivalism

Join the NRA……

Yes – another post about gun control. It is just one of many more to come. With the impending gun control legislation looming nearby – there has been no better time to join the National Rifle Association than RIGHT NOW if you are not a member. Write your Congressman, talk to your friends and neighbors that are like-minded to do the same – and join the NRA. We all need to be in this fight together. Rourke © 2013, Rourke. All rights reserved.

news Survivalism

Been to a gun shop lately?

I live in South Carolina and have visited several gun shops as well as stores that carry firearms and ammunition.  All are pretty much the same – no semi-automatic firearms (centerfire or rimfire), no magazines, and several calibers of ammunition virtually absent. Don’t see this anymore. With the threat of a new Assault Weapons Ban just over the horizon, there has been a massive rush on guns, magazines and ammunition – specifically AK’s, AR’s and the like. 7.62 x 39mm, .223/5.56mm, and 9mm ammunition have disappeared off the shelves along with .22LR.  Any and all magazines holding over 10 rounds are gone or selling online for big bucks…

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what you need on hand: Pretty self explanatory. You don’t want to be in the situation …

news Survivalism

Been to a gun shop lately?

I live in South Carolina and have visited several gun shops as well as stores that carry firearms and ammunition.  All are pretty much the same – no semi-automatic firearms (centerfire or rimfire), no magazines, and several calibers of ammunition virtually absent. Don’t see this anymore. With the threat of a new Assault Weapons Ban just over the horizon, there has been a massive rush on guns, magazines and ammunition – specifically AK’s, AR’s and the like. 7.62 x 39mm, .223/5.56mm, and 9mm ammunition have disappeared off the shelves along with .22LR.  Any and all magazines holding over 10 rounds are gone or selling online for big bucks. …..nor this. I felt pretty squared away with all of the above. I felt that way…