news Survivalism

Large Cities All Over America Are Degenerating Into Gang-Infested War Zones

Large U.S. cities that the rest of the world used to look at in envy are now being transformed into gang-infested hellholes with skyrocketing crime rates.  Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Camden, East St. Louis, New Orleans and Oakland were once bustling with economic activity, but as industry has fled those communities poverty has exploded and so has criminal activity.  Meanwhile, financial problems have caused all of those cities to significantly reduce their police forces.  Sadly, this same pattern is being repeated in hundreds of communities all over the nation.  The mainstream media loves to focus on mass shooters such as Adam Lanza, but the reality is that gang violence is a far greater problem in the United States than mass shooters ever will be…

news Survivalism

Outrage: Bank Of America Freezes Funds of Licensed Online Gun Dealer: “We Believe You Should Not Be Selling Guns On The Internet”

Legal gun ownership in America is under attack on all sides. From pending bans that would restrict the sale, transfer and possession of certain weapons, to outright calls for repeal of the Second Amendment, we are entering an unprecedented era in American history. So much so, that not only is the government now coming after your right to bear arms, but private sector businesses are following suit. One of the country’s largest financial institutions, the ironically named Bank of America, has now taken it upon themselves to decide what is or is not a lawful business practice. The following alert was posted on the Facebook page of licensed firearms…

news Survivalism

America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See

What we are hearing from bloviating gun control advocates in America is nothing short of emotionally driven irrationality. According to statistics assembled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Center for Disease Control and the Federal Government, firearms related homicides are minuscule in comparison to other the other “big killers” in the United States. If we look at homicide statistics in the United States it’s clear that more murders are committed with knives, bats, hammers and poisons than with firearms. As Kurt Nimmo recently noted, “ the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outpaces the number of murders committed with a rifle.” The facts, not the drivel being spewed by the anti-gun propaganda machine, leave us…

news Survivalism

WATCH: Hollywood Actors Want to Ban Your Guns, While They Make Millions Promoting Gun Violence

We’re not sure if the Hollywood actors depicted in the following anti-gun promotional video are hypocrites or just plain ignorant of the fact that they have played a large role in promoting violence with handguns, semi-automatic rifles and weapons of mass destruction, all the while making millions of dollars in the process. Many have made their careers in movies that are so violent the body counts literally reach into the thousands. First, take a look at the original promotional video (if you can stomach it) where actors like Jamie Foxx and Jeremy Renner demand a plan to stop …

news Survivalism

Illinois Moves to Outlaw Modern Firearms and Criminalize Owners

Illinois Senate President John Cullerton will reportedly introduce a draconian bill today in the Illinois legislature that will effectively ban all modern firearms, criminalize their owners, and subject their guns to confiscation by the Illinois State Police. The proposed outlawing of firearms was confirmed by the NRA’s Illinois rep, according to Robert Farago, writing for The Truth About Guns website. The move coincides with a federal effort by Senator Dianne Feinstein to introduce legislation outlawing semiautomatic firearms and imposing de facto confiscation. From the Illinois State Rifle Association: Based on what we know about Cullerton’s bill, firearms that would be banned include all semiautomatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns. Pump action shotguns would be banned as well. This would be a very comprehensive ban that would include not …

news Survivalism

A Massive Electromagnetic Pulse Could Collapse The Economy In A Single Moment

What would you do if all the lights went out and they never came back on?  That is a question that the new NBC series “Revolution” asks, but most people have no idea that a similar thing could happen in real life at any moment.  A single gigantic electromagnetic pulse over the central United States could potentially fry most of the electronics from coast to coast if it was powerful enough.  This could occur in a couple of different ways.  If a powerful nuclear weapon was exploded at a high enough altitude, it could produce an electromagnetic pulse powerful enough to knock out …

news Survivalism

America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See

What we are hearing from bloviating gun control advocates in America is nothing short of emotionally driven irrationality. According to statistics assembled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Center for Disease Control and the Federal Government, firearms related homicides are minuscule in comparison to other the other “big killers” in the United States. If we look at homicide statistics in the United States it’s clear that more murders are committed with knives, bats, hammers and poisons than with firearms. As Kurt Nimmo recently noted, “ the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outpaces the number of murders committed with a rifle.” The facts, not the drivel…

news Survivalism

North Carolina Police Lieutenant Warns Of Plans For Martial Law In 2013

In this broadcast of the Cybertribe News Network, a North Carolina Police Lieutenant calls in to give his first hand knowledge of preparations being made within his own department to train and prepare for martial law in the United States, possibly in the coming year.  Many similar reports are starting to trickle in from all across the country, through various independent media resources and even organizations like Oath Keepers.  The consensus is that a major economic event is expected, and that it will be used to provide cover for the institution of draconian policies being readied behind the curtain.  The exact timing of this event is not clear, but we do know the planning is being done, and …

news Survivalism

America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See

What we are hearing from bloviating gun control advocates in America is nothing short of emotionally driven irrationality. According to statistics assembled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Center for Disease Control and the Federal Government, firearms related homicides are minuscule in comparison to other the other “big killers” in the United States. If we look at homicide statistics in the United States it’s clear that more murders are committed with knives, bats, hammers and poisons than with firearms. As Kurt Nimmo recently noted, “ the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outpaces the number of murders committed…