News Collapse of Society

Out Of Time: U.S. Cases Explode As The Coronavirus Pandemic Reaches A Tipping Point

If you thought that we had more time before this coronavirus pandemic exploded out of control in the United States, I am sorry to say that you are out of luck.  In all of the major nations in the western world, the number of confirmed cases escalated dramatically over the past few days.  Here in the U.S., COVID-19 has now reached 33 states, and the number of confirmed cases seems to literally be changing every few minutes as more announcements are made.  Over the weekend, we witnessed another wild round of panic buying as people feverishly stocked up for an extended pandemic, but at least Americans are not throwing punches at each other over toilet paper …

News Collapse of Society

Here Are 18 Breathtaking Facts About The Stock Market Crash Of 2020, And Experts Are Warning This Is Far From Over

We haven’t seen anything like this since the last financial crisis erupted in 2008.  Wall Street has been gripped by a tremendous amount of fear, and the volatility that we are witnessing would have been unimaginable just a couple of months ago.  On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 2,013 points.  To put that in perspective, the largest single day decline that we witnessed in 2008 was just 777 points.  A disagreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia about oil prices coupled with increasing concern about the coronavirus pushed many traders into panic mode, and the result was absolutely stunning.  Hopefully stock prices will bounce back throughout the rest of this week, but many experts …

news self defense

The fifth limb: neck stretches and exercises

The fifth limb or the neck as it is more commonly referred to has to be one of the most neglected but most over worked muscles in martial arts. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve experienced a stiff neck after not stretching and warming up the neck muscles properly and then pulling a muscle

news Prepping

How to Survive a Gut Infection Without Medical Assistance

After a disaster, such as we saw with Hurricane Sandy, one of the number one threats to survival is infection. Especially a gut infection. The most common way survivors become infected with deadly intestinal bacteria is by drinking non-potable water. Gaining access to clean water after a disaster is rarely as simple as turning on your kitchen faucet. First of all, you may might not even have a kitchen left. Secondly, even if water is coming out of the tap, it could easily be contaminated by a sewage leaking. In most cases, however, city water will not be available at all. If the electrical grid is down that often means water pumps and filtration plants are offline. Turning to your local …

news Prepping

How to Survive a Gut Infection Without Medical Assistance

After a disaster, such as we saw with Hurricane Sandy, one of the number one threats to survival is infection. Especially a gut infection. The most common way survivors become infected with deadly intestinal bacteria is by drinking non-potable water. Gaining access to clean water after a disaster is rarely as simple as turning on your kitchen faucet. First of all, you may might not even have a kitchen left. Secondly, even if water is coming out of the tap, it could easily be contaminated by a sewage leaking. In most cases, however, city water will not be available at all. If the electrical grid is down that often means water pumps and filtration plants are offline. Turning to your local creek isn’t a…

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-watch…

news self defense

The fifth limb: neck stretches and exercises

The fifth limb or the neck as it is more commonly referred to has to be one of the most neglected but most over worked muscles in martial arts. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve experienced a stiff neck after not stretching and warming up the neck muscles properly and then pulling a muscle

news self defense

Mastering pain

Pain is a really important part of every sport, especially martial arts. It tells us when we’ve been punched or kicked, when we’re injured and when our physical and mental boundaries are being pushed to their limit.  This last point is the focus for this article as I want to explore the idea of ‘positive

news Prepping

How to Survive a Gut Infection Without Medical Assistance

After a disaster, such as we saw with Hurricane Sandy, one of the number one threats to survival is infection. Especially a gut infection. The most common way survivors become infected with deadly intestinal bacteria is by drinking non-potable water. Gaining access to clean water after a disaster is rarely as simple as turning on your kitchen faucet. First of all, you may might not even have a kitchen left. Secondly, even if water is coming out of the tap, it could easily be contaminated by a sewage leaking. In most cases, however, city water will not be available at all. If the electrical grid is down that often …

news Prepping

Intense Flu 2012-2013

Flu Map – United States Flu patients are flooding clinics. The CDC reports no sign of a peak for this year’s early and intense flu season in which the numbers are startlingly higher than recent past years. “I think we’re still accelerating,” said Tom Skinner, a CDC spokesman speaking with NBC News. Twenty-nine states reported high levels of flu activity, up from 16 states the previous week. Flu was widespread in 41 states, up from 31 states, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over at Google Flu Trends, which monitors flu activity in the U.S. and around the world, this year’s season has already topped …

news Prepping

Become a Lean, Mean Prepping Machine: Weight Loss for Survival

If the SHTF, you aren’t going to live off your fat.  Trust me on this one. If anything, a great deal of excess body fat just might be the thing that kills you. If you are truly serious about preparedness, getting into shape is one of the best preparations that you can make.  What if you had to bug out through the snow with a 25 pound pack on your back, dragging a sled with your toddler on it?  How far could you get before you collapsed?    Is your heart in condition to go out and swing an axe for a few hours in order to get wood ready for the…

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards…

news Prepping

How to Survive a Gut Infection Without Medical Assistance

After a disaster, such as we saw with Hurricane Sandy, one of the number one threats to survival is infection. Especially a gut infection. The most common way survivors become infected with deadly intestinal bacteria is by drinking non-potable water. Gaining access to clean water after a disaster is rarely as simple as turning on your kitchen faucet. First of all, you may might not even have a kitchen left. Secondly, even if water is coming out of the tap, it could easily be contaminated by a sewage leaking. In most cases, however, city water will not be available at all. If the electrical grid is down that often…

news Prepping

Intense Flu 2012-2013

Flu Map – United States Flu patients are flooding clinics. The CDC reports no sign of a peak for this year’s early and intense flu season in which the numbers are startlingly higher than recent past years. “I think we’re still accelerating,” said Tom Skinner, a CDC spokesman speaking with NBC News. Twenty-nine states reported high levels of flu activity, up from 16 states the previous week. Flu was widespread in 41 states, up from 31 states, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over at Google Flu Trends, which monitors flu activity in the U.S. and around the world, this year’s season has already topped the bright-red “intense” category. The ‘Flu …

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-…

Books Safety & First Aid

Toxic Free: How to Protect Your Health and Home from the Chemicals ThatAre Making You Sick

From the The New York Times’”Queen of Green” comes the ultimate guide for finding and eliminating the toxic chemicals in your home today. There is […]

Books Sustainable Living

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health – Beauty – a Safe Home Environment

A necessary resource for anyone interested in alternative approaches to healing, this book contains more than 600 easy-to-follow recipes for essential oil treatments and aromatherapy. […]