news Self-sufficiency

Intro to Synthetic Biology

January 5, 2013 (LocalOrg /Tony Cartalucci) – Professor Jamie Davies walks an audience through the coming synthetic biology revolution. Comparing it to the personal computer revolution of the 70’s and 80’s, Professor Davies explains the lessons learned and how they can be applied to developing an open and constructive use of synthetic biology. What is synthetic biology (video)? It is the next step in genetic engineering – not simply copying and pasting genetic code from one life form to another, but creating entirely new genetic sequences, and thus entirely new life forms. Already, competitions like MIT’s iGEM, pit universities and even high schools against one another as they develop new forms of synthetic biology using “biobricks” -open source, standardized components that can be interchanged in the designing of a…

news Self-sufficiency

Intro to Synthetic Biology

January 5, 2013 (LocalOrg /Tony Cartalucci) – Professor Jamie Davies walks an audience through the coming synthetic biology revolution. Comparing it to the personal computer revolution of the 70’s and 80’s, Professor Davies explains the lessons learned and how they can be applied to developing an open and constructive use of synthetic biology. What is synthetic biology (video)? It is the next step in genetic engineering – not simply copying and pasting genetic code from one life form to another, but creating entirely new genetic sequences, and thus entirely new life forms. Already, competitions like MIT’s iGEM, pit universities and even high schools against one another as they develop new forms of synthetic biology using “biobricks” -open source, standardized components that can be interchanged in the designing of a…

news Self-sufficiency

Intro to Synthetic Biology

January 5, 2013 (LocalOrg /Tony Cartalucci) – Professor Jamie Davies walks an audience through the coming synthetic biology revolution. Comparing it to the personal computer revolution of the 70’s and 80’s, Professor Davies explains the lessons learned and how they can be applied to developing an open and constructive use of synthetic biology. What is synthetic biology (video)? It is the next step in genetic engineering – not simply copying and pasting genetic code from one life form to another, but creating entirely new genetic sequences, and thus entirely new life forms. Already, competitions like MIT’s iGEM, pit universities and even high schools against one another as they develop new forms of synthetic biology using “biobricks” -open source, standardized components that can be interchanged…

news Self-sufficiency

On the Cusp of Ending Big Pharma

Gene therapy threatens to disrupt forever big-pharma’s profiteering, but not without a fight. December 28, 2012 (LD) – Imagine being diagnosed with cancer, a genetic disease, or even age-related deterioration in the morning, given a single injection in the evening, and beginning your recovery the next day. No prescriptions, no lengthy treatments, no difficult decisions between finances and getting better. This is the promise of gene therapy, a promise already being fulfilled.Image: One method of gene therapy – taking human cells, “editing” them genetically, and reinserting them into the human body where they will replicate and carry out their newly designed functions. (Microsoft Encarta Online Concise Encyclopedia)…. Gene therapy is the identifying…