news self defense

Challenging your Karate School!

Many of you have watched the Karate Kid or heard about challenge matches Bruce Lee had to endure from the Chinatown Kung Fu masters, and are probably wondering in this day and age – does that ever really happen? Well more than you probably think. The challenges come from other schools, various kind of fighting arts, and what I encountered a lot was fighters creating their own martial art that wanted to test. Before we get started, here is a scene from the karate kid were Mr. Miyagi issued a challenge. At the time the movie, “The Karate Kid” came out – I owned a karate school in El Cajon, California. Funny thing …

news self defense

McDojo? Is Karate Quality basied on Lineage

This is kind of a Catholic vs Protestant argument that still goes on for some reason. What am I talking about? You know – If a school opens up in a strip mall for profit – many of the purists (read traditionalist Karate Ka) will smirk and wonder if the “McDojo” can trace its roots back to the old country (Read Japan or Okinawa). Traditionalists like to recite their lineage to prove their black belt is meaningful. This is like the Catholics (disclaimer – I am a Catholic) or Orthodox Churches argument of Apostolic Succession (meaning they can trace their bishops back to Christ’s apostles. The thing …

news self defense

New American Kenpo Karate Studio Opening in Arizona!

David Hays will be opening a new studio in the Ahwatukee foothills of Phoenix Arizona on January 12, 2013. We will be teaching Tracy’s traditional Kenpo, the Joe Lewis fighting system of competitive tournament sparring and kick-boxing. If you know anyone in the Phoenix area that is interested in lessons or an upper belt looking for a place to work out and/or help with coaching, please contact me at Thank you in advance for the support. Related Posts:Self Defense for even Turkeys? Happy Thanksgiving!What is Self-defense?Introduction to “My Self-defense Blog”Toughman!Steve “Nasty” Anderson – Top Fighter in the 80′s!

news self defense

McDojo? Is Karate Quality basied on Lineage

This is kind of a Catholic vs Protestant argument that still goes on for some reason. What am I talking about? You know – If a school opens up in a strip mall for profit – many of the purists (read traditionalist Karate Ka) will smirk and wonder if the “McDojo” can trace its roots back to the old country (Read Japan or Okinawa). Traditionalists like to recite their lineage to prove their black belt is meaningful. This is like the Catholics (disclaimer – I am a Catholic) or Orthodox Churches argument of Apostolic Succession (meaning they can trace their bishops back to…

news self defense

New American Kenpo Karate Studio Opening in Arizona!

David Hays will be opening a new studio in the Ahwatukee foothills of Phoenix Arizona on January 12, 2013. We will be teaching Tracy’s traditional Kenpo, the Joe Lewis fighting system of competitive tournament sparring and kick-boxing. If you know anyone in the Phoenix area that is interested in lessons or an upper belt looking for a place to work out and/or help with coaching, please contact me at Thank you in advance for the support. Related Posts:Self Defense for even Turkeys? Happy Thanksgiving!What is Self-defense?Introduction to “My Self-defense Blog”Toughman!Steve “Nasty” Anderson – Top Fighter in the 80′s!

news self defense

McDojo? Is Karate Quality basied on Lineage

This is kind of a Catholic vs Protestant argument that still goes on for some reason. What am I talking about? You know – If a school opens up in a strip mall for profit – many of the purists (read traditionalist Karate Ka) will smirk and wonder if the “McDojo” can trace its roots back to the old country (Read Japan or Okinawa). Traditionalists like to recite their lineage to prove their black belt is meaningful. This is like the Catholics (disclaimer – I am a Catholic) or Orthodox Churches argument of Apostolic Succession (meaning they can trace their bishops back to Christ’s apostles. The thing about having an …

news self defense

New American Kenpo Karate Studio Opening in Arizona!

David Hays will be opening a new studio in the Ahwatukee foothills of Phoenix Arizona on January 12, 2013. We will be teaching Tracy’s traditional Kenpo, the Joe Lewis fighting system of competitive tournament sparring and kick-boxing. If you know anyone in the Phoenix area that is interested in lessons or an upper belt looking for a place to work out and/or help with coaching, please contact me at Thank you in advance for the support. Related Posts:Self Defense for even Turkeys? Happy Thanksgiving!What is Self-defense?Introduction to “My Self-defense Blog”Toughman!Steve “Nasty” Anderson – Top

news self defense

Groin Kicks – Will you use them in a fight?

When I was a kid – I remember “accidentally” kicking a cousin in the nuts as we were fighting. Sure I did it on purpose but it was only a tap. My poor cousin was rolling around on the ground and several generations of males at the family gathering were frowning at me. My dad took me aside and told me (this was a different time), “John – only girls kick.” Well now in the post-boxing era – kicking is a generally accepted form of fighting. There are many fighting methods and no real acceptance of “the right way to fight.” …

news self defense

Karate Legend Joe Lewis Died

I received a call from Dave Hays (8th Dan – AKKA) that Joe Lewis died on Friday, August 31, 2012. He was battling brain cancer I believe. This has been the year for passings as his friend Richard “Dick” Willett passed in May. Dick was my instructor and always had the highest praise for Joe’s fighting ability. First I’ll put some links about Joe’s history and then share some personal experiences. Joe Lewis Wikipedia Joe Lewis IKF Kickboxing Joe Lewis Fighting Master The last time I saw Joe was at Dick Willett’s 40 anniversary event. I asked Joe about his movies and he mentioned that James Coburn helped him get work as…