news firearms

Best of 2012 – #4 Vadasz wins National Police Championship

Winning four title in five years is Border Patrol’s Robert Vadasz Fairfax, Virginia – In four out of the last five years, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Robert Vadasz has departed from the Albuquerque International Airport to his home in Florida as a National Champion. This was one of those years. Every year, during the third week of September, Law Enforcement Officers from around the globe come to the Shooting Range Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico for NRA’s National Police Shooting Championship. It is there that Vadasz lays claim to those National Championship titles. There that he fights his way through hundreds of top marksmen. Local, state, federal … they all came again …

news self defense

Taser, Taser, Burning Bright!

We owe a debt to knirirr for kindly giving us a heads up to this French language news article.  (English translation here.) A suspect tried to escape from French custom officials, only to have chemical mace applied along with a Taser.  A freak combination of tear gas and the Taser caused the man’s clothing to burst into flame! The burning man was taken to a local hospital for treatment, but managed to finally give the cops the slip.  He is still at large. I’ve never heard of something like this happening, but I suppose anything is possible.  I wonder what made up the ingredients of that French tear gas?

news self defense

A Big Steaming Pile Of Fail

How would an American such as myself describe the criminal justice system in the Philippines?  I’d be forced to say that it is a police state. Even so, it is a particularly ineffective police state.  Even the United Nations has to admit that safety is hard to come by in that country.  Follow that link and you will see a UN sponsored survey that has 10.5{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} of Filipino families report being victims of property crime every 6 months.  Which means, of course, that more than one out of every five households in the nation have something stolen from them every year. So where are the police? According to this news article, a deranged drug addict engaged in a shooting spree…

news firearms

The Best of 2012: #6 – Law Enforcment Precision Rifle training

Learning Precision Law Enforcement Rifle techniques from AFTT AFTT owner/instructor Mark Fricke discussing shooting positions during his Precision Rifle class. When I started working here at the NRA, I knew there would be a learning curve. The need to become intimate with the training, competitions, locations and lingo which surround the shooting sports. But I never thought I’d take as far as I did last March. That’s when I enrolled in a Law Enforcement Precision Rifle class out in Wickenburg, Arizona. The trip out to Arizona was less then encouraging … record low temperatures, impassable back roads and the idea of sleeping in my SUV for the week were just a few of the obstacles. But it got better. …

news self defense

Keep Your Mouth Shut While Visiting Japan

There is a saying one hears in a Japanese pre-school.  “The nail which stands up is hammered flat!” Added to this is what we see as an extreme desire to bow down before authority.  Japan is the most classic of shame societies.  Better go along with what the higher ups expect of you, or you are nothing but dog crap worthy of little more than getting scraped off the bottom of a shoe. The Japanese justice system is extremely proud of their 99{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} conviction rate.  I think that only Communist regimes. those joy-filled havens for liberty and freedom, can boast of bettering that score. How do the police and prosecutors …

news self defense

A Big Steaming Pile Of Fail

How would an American such as myself describe the criminal justice system in the Philippines?  I’d be forced to say that it is a police state. Even so, it is a particularly ineffective police state.  Even the United Nations has to admit that safety is hard to come by in that country.  Follow that link and you will see a UN sponsored survey that has 10.5{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} of Filipino families report being victims of property crime every 6 months.  Which means, of course, that more than one out of every five households in the nation have something stolen from them every year. So where are the police? According to this news article, a deranged drug addict engaged in a shooting spree until …