News Collapse of Society

10 Things About The U.S. News Media That They Do Not Want You To Know

Do you trust the news media?  Do you believe that the information that they are giving you is true and accurate?  If you answered yes to either of those questions, that places you in a steadily shrinking minority.  Yes, on average Americans watch approximately 153 hours of television a month, but for their news they are increasingly turning to alternative sources of information such as this website.  Big news channels such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News are losing hordes of viewers, and they are desperately searching for answers.  Things have gotten so bad at CNN that they have been forced to lay off hundreds of workers.  The mainstream media is slowly dying, but…

news Survivalism

Breaking Down the Matrix of the New World Order

From Survival and BeyondBy Ed Corcoran The more you start looking into the things that are going on in the world and the less you pay attention to the corporate-controlled “mainstream” media, the more it becomes obvious that there is a movement taking place that’s pushing us towards a global government and the ultimate loss of our individual freedoms, liberties and quality of life. The systems and mechanisms that have been directing the course of our economy, government and society in America are various and sundry, with many seemingly disparate and unrelated branches and platforms. Due to gradual and continuous conditioning and indoctrination, these control mechanisms have not only managed…