news Prepping

Whats in my Backpack?

Whats in my backpack? Whats in here? (photo credit:// Being prepared doesn’t always have to apply to natural or man-made disasters.  Being prepared should be a way of life no matter what you do.  If you are a hiker, hunter, fisherman, camper, etc.  You should always have a bag of goodies in your backpack or other pack, just in case things don’t go as planned.  Each activity is different, but I will share what I carry in my backpack and who knows, it could get you out of a sticky situation in the Great Outdoors someday. My…

news Prepping

Whats in my Backpack?

Whats in my backpack? Whats in here? (photo credit:// Being prepared doesn’t always have to apply to natural or man-made disasters.  Being prepared should be a way of life no matter what you do.  If you are a hiker, hunter, fisherman, camper, etc.  You should always have a bag of goodies in your backpack or other pack, just in case things don’t go as planned.  Each activity is different, but I will share what I carry in my backpack and who knows, it could get you out of a sticky situation in the Great Outdoors someday. My bag of goodies was developed from a list called the Ten Essentials,  originally…

news Disasters

Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration, Influencing US Policy

It’s good to see them confirming what we already knew. Just don’t expect Barack Obama to be dissatisfied with any of it any time soon … By John Rossomando, IPT – “An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over

news Disasters

The Islamization Of France In 2012

By Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute – “Opinion surveys show that to voters in France — home to an estimated 6.5 million Muslims, the largest Muslim population in the European Union — Islam and the question of Muslim immigration have emerged in 2012 as a top-ranked public concern. The French, it seems, are increasingly worried about

News Collapse of Society

Flu vaccine will NOT work for one in ten Americans, says CDC as fears grow over spread of flue across country

This year’s flu season is one of the quickest and most aggressive on record, and the evolving strain is causing problems for doctors as the vaccine will not work for one in ten cases.Doctors continually send samples of the flu cases that they treat to the Centers of Disease Control so that they can understand what strands of the flu are spreading rapidly, and they use that information to create the vaccine sent out nationally.’We did about as good as we could have done to put the right three strains of flu into the flu vaccines that are available on the market,’ CDC spokesman Thomas Frieden said.…

News Collapse of Society

Flu vaccine will NOT work for one in ten Americans, says CDC as fears grow over spread of flue across country

This year’s flu season is one of the quickest and most aggressive on record, and the evolving strain is causing problems for doctors as the vaccine will not work for one in ten cases.Doctors continually send samples of the flu cases that they treat to the Centers of Disease Control so that they can understand what strands of the flu are spreading rapidly, and they use that information to create the vaccine sent out nationally.’We did about as good as we could have done to put the right three strains of flu into the flu vaccines that are available on the…

news Prepping

Whats in my Backpack?

Whats in my backpack? Whats in here? (photo credit:// Being prepared doesn’t always have to apply to natural or man-made disasters.  Being prepared should be a way of life no matter what you do.  If you are a hiker, hunter, fisherman, camper, etc.  You should always have a bag of goodies in your backpack or other pack, just in case things don’t go as planned.  Each activity is different, but I will share what I carry in my backpack and who knows, it could get you out of a sticky situation in the Great Outdoors someday. My bag of goodies was developed from a list called the Ten Essentials,  originally developed by a group of outdoors men in…

news Prepping

Whats in my Backpack?

Whats in my backpack? Whats in here? (photo credit:// Being prepared doesn’t always have to apply to natural or man-made disasters.  Being prepared should be a way of life no matter what you do.  If you are a hiker, hunter, fisherman, camper, etc.  You should always have a bag of goodies in your backpack or other pack, just in case things don’t go as planned.  Each activity is different, but I will share what I carry in my backpack and who knows, it could get you out of a sticky situation in the Great Outdoors someday. My bag of goodies was developed from a list called the Ten Essentials,  originally developed …