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What did YOU do to prep this week?

Good morning Wolf Pack – I hope that you’re all doing well today. Before we get started this morning I would like to take a moment to thank Bonnie N, Millie W and Harold D for their generous donations and support this week. Thank you. If you want to also help out by making a small donation (average donation is $20) click this link. Thank you. Okay, let me see – what did I do to prep this week? I ordered two DVD’s “Why Gold and Silver?” and “The Money Masters” I also ordered two books the “Whole Larder Love: Grow Gather Hunt Cook” and “The Second Amendment&#…

news Prepping

Friday miscellany

Obama secretly signs warrantless phone surveillance law : “Officials at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, or EPIC, say the measure is “a controversial law that allows surveillance of the phone and email communications of U.S. citizens without a warrant.” Obama to ‘Quickly’ Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control : Barack “Husain” Obama. will go for immigration reform and gun control this month, the White House tells the left-leaning Huffington Post. Obama’s actions will reportedly be done “quickly.” Police Banned From Denny’s Restaurant After Manager ‘Harassed’ Detectives Over Guns : “According to CBS, a diner was alarmed after spotting a female officer’s weapon…

news Prepping

What did YOU do to prep this week?

Good morning Wolf Pack – I hope that you’re all doing well today. Before we get started this morning I would like to take a moment to thank Bonnie N, Millie W and Harold D for their generous donations and support this week. Thank you. If you want to also help out by making a small donation (average donation is $20) click this link. Thank you. Okay, let me see – what did I do to prep this week? I ordered two DVD’s “Why Gold and Silver?” and “The Money Masters” I also ordered two books the “Whole Larder Love: Grow Gather…

news Prepping

What did YOU do to prep this week?

Good morning Wolf Pack – I hope that you’re all doing well today. Before we get started this morning I would like to take a moment to thank Bonnie N, Millie W and Harold D for their generous donations and support this week. Thank you. If you want to also help out by making a small donation (average donation is $20) click this link. Thank you. Okay, let me see – what did I do to prep this week? I ordered two DVD’s “Why Gold and Silver?” and “The Money Masters” I also ordered two books the “…