news Disasters

The Remaining (2014) movie

Imagine the Christian “Rapture” event as a horror film and you have The Remaining, a 2014 Christian-horror movie. Combining elements of cinéma vérité, mainly the handheld camera, the film follows a group of 20-somethings after the events foretold in the Bible’s Book of Revelation unfold following a wedding reception. The movie is graphic in some of its imagery. As with many of these movies based on someone “documenting” the events with a video camera, the end of the film leaves many questions unresolved.

news Disasters

The Mist (1980) novella

Stephen King’s 1980 novella The Mist, originally published as a short story of the same title and later a 2007 movie, contains a far bleaker ending than what was depicted in the movie, though that too was pretty horrific. The movie pretty well follows the novella up until the point at which the group of characters including the “hero”, David Drayton, leave the supermarket to try and escape. The impression you are left with in the novella is that The Mist has enveloped all of Massachusetts and possibly even more of the New England states so that the end of the world may very well be at hand. The Mist is in many ways a precursor to Stephen King’s epic novel Under the…