news Survivalism

Episode-1052- The Need for Skill Set Development in a Changing World

Today we announced a new feature to that will improve interaction among members.  This got me thinking that while I often talk about our need to improve skills (specifically hard skills) I have not ever really done a dedicated … Continue reading →

news Survivalism

Episode-1049- Surving Superstorm Sandy and The Southern Maryland Beekeeper

We have two interviews for you today, first up Mike Prunty “The Backyard Pioneer” who has a small urban homestead in Long Island New York on his experience with Hurricane Sandy. Mike is a 39 year old suburban husband and … Continue reading →

news Survivalism

Episode-1049- Surving Superstorm Sandy and The Southern Maryland Beekeeper

We have two interviews for you today, first up Mike Prunty “The Backyard Pioneer” who has a small urban homestead in Long Island New York on his experience with Hurricane Sandy. Mike is a 39 year old suburban husband and … Continue reading →