News Collapse of Society

US Helping ISIS? One Accidental Airdrop vs Billions in Covert Aid

image sourceTony CartalucciActivist PostThe Washington Post would report that the United States military accidentally dropped by air at least one pallet of weapons and supplies that ended up in the hands of the so-called “Islamic State” or ISIS. While a combination of factors about this particular story appear suspicious, including SITE Intelligence Group’s involvement in quickly disseminating an alleged video of ISIS terrorists rooting through the supplies, one fact remains. While the US claims it has “accidentally” allowed weapons to fall into the hands of ISIS terrorists, in reality, the US has been arming, funding, and aiding ISIS and its terrorist affiliates either directly or through Saudi, Qatari, Jordanian, or Turkish…

news Libertarianism

Let it begin here

Easing into my 40s, I’m finally starting to understand the urgency of time, and the appeal of leaving a lasting legacy. What will I leave behind to my daughters, and my nieces and nephews? What can I do for my grandchildren before they’re even born, so that they have an opportunity for a life as

News Collapse of Society

Ecuador Taxes Bankers, President Faces CIA Assassination Plot

Activist Post Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa’s government has recently passed a law to raise taxes on the financial sector to help raise the standard of living for the poor. President Correa, an economist who is running for re-election, has reduced poverty and increased the overall standard of living in Ecuador during his term. Understandably, the big banks, some of whom were bailed out, oppose Correa. In fact, his primary contender for the presidency is an entrenched banker. But Correa may face a more dangerous opponent than his political rival. There is an $88 million CIA plot to destabilize the Ecuadorian government and …

News Collapse of Society

Top 10 Most Dangerous U.S. Government Agencies

“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress” Activist Post We have chosen to highlight United States agencies; however, this top 10 list has global impact, as the U.S. has now proven to be the enforcement division of the overarching globalist agenda of centralized control. One could argue that every government agency serves the purpose of stifling freedom and wasting taxpayer money. Yet, the 10 listed below go the extra mile for their sheer corruption, draconian regulations, and ultimate impact upon the largest number of citizens. The main criteria for inclusion in the top 10 is the amount of money spent by the taxpayer according to official budget declarations, and then attaining the highest level of doing exactly the opposite of…

news Libertarianism

Garrison: If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?

Blogger Dean Garrison provides a well-reasoned and impassioned argument for defending the liberty of this Republic with all necessary lethal force against those who would undermine both the Constitution and natural rights. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, and we do not bow to mob rule, even if the mob are wearing $1,000

News Collapse of Society

Free State-ers Not Welcome Here Says NH Rep

Youtube Enter Your Email To Receive Our Newsletter Close var fnames = new Array();var ftypes = new Array();fnames0=’EMAIL’;ftypes0=’email’;fnames1=’FNAME’;ftypes1=’text’;fnames2=’LNAME’;ftypes2=’text’;var err_style = ”; try err_style = mc_custom_error_style; catch(e) err_style = ‘margin: 1em 0 0 0; padding: 1em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; background: FFEEEE none repeat scroll 0{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} 0{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9}; font- weight: bold; float: left; z-index: 1; width: 80{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9}; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz- initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; color: FF0000;’; var mce_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(); mce_jQuery(document).ready( function($) { var options = { errorClass: ‘mce_inline_error’, errorElement: ‘div’, errorStyle: err_style, onkeyup…

News Collapse of Society

House Resolution Introduced to Remove Presidential Term Limits

Dees Illustration Activist Post Is one member of Congress attempting to make Obama a dictator? Congressman José Serrano (D-NY) introduced House Joint Resolution 15 which would remove the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President. H.J.Res.15 titled “Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President”was referred to the House Judiciary Committee on January 4th. The Twenty-second amendment sets the term limit for the office of the President to two four-year terms. The Twenty-second Amendment reads: Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more …

News Collapse of Society

Technocratic Fiat Implosions and the Battle Over Gold

Susanne Posel, Contributor Activist Post In 2011, the technocrats devised a scheme, with the assistance of Hans Hoogervorst, appointed chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board, that Europe would be included in IFRS9, a new rule that eliminates mark-to-market accounting of sovereign debt from the European Central Bank’s balance sheets. When mark-to-market practices were installed in 2009, it led to a short-term market recovery, which presented a false positive as banking institutions no longer had to provide capital to promote long-term financial stability. In the Euro-Zone, banks can now conduct business as sovereign debt becomes the only path that can be taken by countries being affected by the technocratic takeover. Under the guise of creating jobs, Ben…

News Collapse of Society

California county postpones hearing on request to buy a surveillance drone for law enforcement

Sheriff Gregory Ahern Madison Ruppert, Contributor Activist Post Alameda County Sheriff Gregory Ahern has postponed public discussion about his request to purchase a drone for “intelligence and information sharing and dissemination,” claiming it has nothing to do with the concerns raised by privacy advocates. Interestingly, law enforcement agencies are already benefiting from the data captured by military drones in the United States and indeed drones are being used around the United States by both law enforcement and the military with disturbing frequency. Even the National Guard uses drones in the United States and the justifications sound eerily similar to those offered by Ahern and others, such as “wildfire surveillance.” While Ahern recognized that intelligence and information sharing and dissemination is the reason…

News Collapse of Society

Technocratic Fiat Implosions and the Battle Over Gold

Susanne Posel, Contributor Activist Post In 2011, the technocrats devised a scheme, with the assistance of Hans Hoogervorst, appointed chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board, that Europe would be included in IFRS9, a new rule that eliminates mark-to-market accounting of sovereign debt from the European Central Bank’s balance sheets. When mark-to-market practices were installed in 2009, it led to a short-term market recovery, which presented a false positive as banking institutions no longer had to provide capital to promote long-term financial stability. In the Euro-Zone, banks can now conduct business as sovereign debt becomes the only path that can be taken by countries being affected by the technocratic takeover. Under the guise of creating jobs, Ben …

News Collapse of Society

California county postpones hearing on request to buy a surveillance drone for law enforcement

Sheriff Gregory Ahern Madison Ruppert, Contributor Activist Post Alameda County Sheriff Gregory Ahern has postponed public discussion about his request to purchase a drone for “intelligence and information sharing and dissemination,” claiming it has nothing to do with the concerns raised by privacy advocates. Interestingly, law enforcement agencies are already benefiting from the data captured by military drones in the United States and indeed drones are being used around the United States by both law enforcement and the military with disturbing frequency. Even the National Guard uses drones in the United States and the justifications sound eerily similar to those offered by Ahern and others, such…

News Collapse of Society

House Resolution Introduced to Remove Presidential Term Limits

Dees Illustration Activist Post Is one member of Congress attempting to make Obama a dictator? Congressman José Serrano (D-NY) introduced House Joint Resolution 15 which would remove the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President. H.J.Res.15 titled “Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President”was referred to the House Judiciary Committee on January 4th. The Twenty-second amendment sets the term limit for the office of the President to two four-year terms. The Twenty-second Amendment reads: Section 1. No person shall be elected to …

news Libertarianism


At great personal cost, the Founding Father purchased a precious gift for us. They risked their lives, their homes, and their reputations and endured becoming traitors. They did so in order to throw off the chains of monarchy in order to preserve the freedoms given by God, which should never be constrained by man. After

news Libertarianism

Talking guns with Glenn Reynolds

Glenn had me on InstaVision to talk about the progressive calls for gun control. I completely whiffed on a chance to plug my related eBook. I need to fire my publicist, right after I fire my stylist, makeup artist, and yogi. Update: Now on Youtube as well.

news Libertarianism

Of alarms, militias, and destiny

Recent works such as What you’ll see in the rebellion and Something funny happened on the way to the tyranny have brought many fresh new eyes to this outpost on the Internet. We are a nation on the cusp of repeating history. Anyone familiar with an accurate telling of the political truths leading up to

news Libertarianism

What you’ll see in the rebellion: A nation of Sarajevos

When I wrote What you’ll seen in the rebellion, I had no idea how widely read an article warning of the dangers of second Revolutionary War could become. It has been “shared” thousands of times in social media, and new readers and comments are pouring in constantly. Since the time it was written, state legislators

news Libertarianism

Garrison: If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?

Blogger Dean Garrison provides a well-reasoned and impassioned argument for defending the liberty of this Republic with all necessary lethal force against those who would undermine both the Constitution and natural rights. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, and we do not bow to mob rule, even if the mob are wearing $1,000

news Prepping

What Another 4 Years of Obama Means

Note: Before you read this, I want you to know that I did not vote for Obama or Romney. This is not a partisan message, only observations about what has happened and speculation about what might happen in the months ahead. The day after Obama was reelected, the stock market fell 313 points. The second day after, the market fell 121 points. That’s a 434-point drop in two-days’ time. And it reflects the market’s anticipation that things are going to get worse during Obama’s second term. During a president’s second term, he can pursue whatever policies he wants because he no longer fears losing reelection. So during Obama’s second term, we ought to expect…