news Prepping

The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 46

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. We were recently given a friend’s discarded shelving so we cut the shelves down and re-purposed them for one of our food storage closets. As I may have mentioned,  I am using my freeze-dried and dehydrated foods more and more in day-to-day cooking.  The cost in some cases is more than the same product purchased fresh but there is no waste and if I can save a 20 mile round trip to town, then I am actually saving money. On the shelves below you will see a number of #10 cans, plus my Food …

news Prepping

The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 46

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. We were recently given a friend’s discarded shelving so we cut the shelves down and re-purposed them for one of our food storage closets. As I may have mentioned,  I am using my freeze-dried and dehydrated foods more and more in day-to-day cooking.  The cost in some cases is more than the same product purchased fresh but there is no waste and if I can save a 20 mile round trip to town, then I am…

news Prepping

The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 45

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. While in the Seattle area, I made a much anticipated trip to the Dollar Tree store where I was once again amazed at all of the prepper stuff you can purchase for a buck. My haul this time around? Some small rolls of duct tape to tuck away in backpacks, luggage and odd places where it might come in handy. I also purchased some empty spray bottles and some Honey and Oatmeal soap for &#…

news Prepping

Book Festival and Giveaway: An Interview with Anna Hess

After taking a short break, today I share another author interview in the Backdoor Survival Book Festival.  Anna Hess, the author of The Weekend Homesteader: A Twelve-Month Guide to Self-Sufficiency shares her answers to my questions and is also providing one of my readers with a free copy of her fabulous book. Before we start, however, I want to add a few words of praise for Anna’s book.  I am already a big fan of breaking tasks down into manageable segments.  Of course you already know this from my 12 Months of Prepping Series (which will begin year 2 in just a couple of weeks).  But …

news Prepping

Looking Back at the Future

With all good intentions, I had planned today to post a philosophical article about mindset – the survival mindset to be exact. And indeed, the article has been written but with a bit of serendipity, I decided to put the deep thinking piece off until another day. Instead, I thought it would fun to recap and share the most popular Backdoor Survival articles of 2012 along with some of my views on what I see happening in 2013. I call this looking back at the future. The Top Articles of 2012 Coming up with the top articles was a bit of challenge. First of all, many of you visit my home page that changes with each …

news Prepping

The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 46

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. We were recently given a friend’s discarded shelving so we cut the shelves down and re-purposed them for one of our food storage closets. As I may have mentioned,  I am using my freeze-dried and dehydrated foods more and more in day-to-day cooking.  The cost in some cases is more than the same product purchased fresh but there is no waste and if I can save a 20 mile round trip to town, then I am actually saving money. On the shelves below you will see a number of #10 cans, plus my Food Saver …

news Prepping

Book Festival and Giveaway: An Interview with George Ure

Today I share the ninth author interview in the Backdoor Survival Fall Book Festival.  George Ure, the author of Broken Web The Coming Collapse of the Internet, shares his answers to my questions and is also providing one of my readers with a free copy of his book. Before we begin, I would like to announce the winner of last week’s giveaway.  “Sharon” has won a copy of The Weekend Homesteader: A Twelve-Month Guide to Self-Sufficiency.  Congratulations!  I have contacted you by email for mailing instructions. Here is Sharon’s favorite homesteading tip: When we moved to the country we did everything wrong, bought a fixer-upper farm and house and bought a couple horses we only occasionally rode. 10 years later we felt the …

news Prepping

Storing Household Batteries for the Long Term

As we were sitting around with friends a few weeks ago, the subject of household batteries came up.  My husband said “Gaye, we really need to stock up on batteries”. Ha ha I responded and took him to my storage area (which he is not allowed to touch or it will get messed up and disorganized) and pointed to a large stash of AAs, AAAs, D-sized, C-size and the often overlooked 9-volt batteries.  (And why do people forget to stock up on those)?  I also pointed to a year’s supply of hearing aid batteries. Following that, the topic turned to battery storage and while I am not an expert on all things electrical, …

news Prepping

Book Festival and Giveaway: An Interview with George Ure

Today I share the ninth author interview in the Backdoor Survival Fall Book Festival.  George Ure, the author of Broken Web The Coming Collapse of the Internet, shares his answers to my questions and is also providing one of my readers with a free copy of his book. Before we begin, I would like to announce the winner of last week’s giveaway.  “Sharon” has won a copy of The Weekend Homesteader: A Twelve-Month Guide to Self-Sufficiency.  Congratulations!  I have contacted you by email for mailing instructions. Here is Sharon’s favorite homesteading tip: When we moved to the country we did everything wrong, bought a fixer-upper farm and house and bought a couple horses we only occasionally rode. 10 years later we felt …

news Prepping

The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 46

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. We were recently given a friend’s discarded shelving so we cut the shelves down and re-purposed them for one of our food storage closets. As I may have mentioned,  I am using my freeze-dried and dehydrated foods more and more in day-to-day cooking.  The cost in some cases is more than the same product purchased fresh but there is no waste and if I can save a 20 mile round trip to town, then I am actually saving money. On the shelves below you will see a number of #10 cans, plus my Food Saver …

Books-Survival Skills

Doomsday Preppers Complete Survival Manual: Expert Tips for Surviving Calamity, Catastrophe, and the End of the World

This custom companion to the blockbuster National Geographic Channel series Doomsday Preppers is filled with how-to illustrations, “Prepper Profiles” of people in the show, and survival tips […]

Books Sustainable Living

The Prepper’s Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster

BE PREPAREDBE SAFEFrom California earthquakes and Rocky Mountain wildfires to Midwest floods and Atlantic hurricanes, you can’t escape that inevitable day when catastrophe strikes your […]