news Prepping

Archive: Forget Doom and Gloom: Preparedness is the Ultimate Act of Optimism

Note from Daisy:  With all of the hullabaloo about Ebola lately, it seems like a good time to remind ourselves of why we prepare. We don’t do it out of fear. We do it because we like the peace of mind it brings.  When we are ready for anything from a job loss to a power outage to an outright apocalypse, we know that we can handle whatever life sends our way. A preparedness lifestyle is a constant affirmation that we will persevere. Does this sound familiar? You’re talking to a friend or family member who isn’t on board with preparedness.  (And it’s even worse…

news Prepping

Stockpile Challenge – Update #2

One week into the Stockpile Challenge,  we are now out of most of those items we all pick up fresh at the store each week.  I purposely did not go out and stock up on a huge amount of fresh produce and cheese because I wanted the challenge to be more akin to a sudden change in circumstances.  I still have some fresh carrots and potatoes, but that’s it for fresh vegetables.  I’m down to the last 2 apples also, then it’s on to canned and frozen for our produce.  I am moving on to the milk that I store in the…

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what you need on hand: Pretty self explanatory. You don’t want to…

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-watch…

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what you need on hand: Pretty self explanatory. You don’t…

news Libertarianism

Stops Along the Way: Part 2

Five o’clock quickly arrived at my desk on my first night as a full-time RVer.  I left my office and walked into the dark parking lot knowing I would be home in less than 30 seconds.  No one from work knew it.  Since I land acting and print gigs on occasion, they believe my camper is to go on jobs out of town.  Half-truths go a long way.  I also made it a point for them to know that owning an RV has always been a dream of mine.  I considered letting my co-workers know of my new lifestyle, but I’ve grown less …

news Prepping

6 Cleaning Necessities for Your Stockpile

If you have these 6 items, there’s nothing you can’t clean: Baking soda Bleach Borax Dawn dish soap  Table salt White vinegar Many of us have spent our valuable dollars buying the latest in cleaning supplies.  What we’re really paying for is harsh chemicals (some of them carcinogenic) and artificial fragrances (many of which are also unhealthy).  Instead, consider stocking up on these basic items, which will allow you to make any household cleaner you might need.  Most of the time you can purchase these items on sale or in bulk quantities.  As well, they all serve other purposes besides basic cleaning, which maximizes your storage space. Baking …

news Prepping

Become a Lean, Mean Prepping Machine: Weight Loss for Survival

If the SHTF, you aren’t going to live off your fat.  Trust me on this one. If anything, a great deal of excess body fat just might be the thing that kills you. If you are truly serious about preparedness, getting into shape is one of the best preparations that you can make.  What if you had to bug out through the snow with a 25 pound pack on your back, dragging a sled with your toddler on it?  How far could you get before you collapsed?    Is your heart in condition to go out and swing an axe for a few hours in order to get wood ready for the…

news Prepping

Stockpile Challenge – Update #1

The stockpile challenge has already been a slight challenge.  We had guests, and then a snowstorm.  After having extra people snowed in with us for a week, it definitely made a dent in our “favorites”.  I am seeing the beginning of the end of my cheese supply.  This saddens me, since I like to make homemade pizza once per week.  We can probably do pizza once or twice more, unless I can quickly figure out how to make cheese! As well much of the “snacky” food is history.  You know the type, those goodies that you grab a handful of here and there – pretzels, roasted peanuts, etc. …

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards…

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what …

news Survivalism

What is the best survival food?

A look at various survival foods, and I give my humble opinion as to what the best survival food is! It may surprise you that I go against the tradition prepper advice and go with an easy to prepare, easy to put in a bug out bag food The post What is the best survival food? appeared first on Guide to wilderness Survival.

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-…

news Survivalism

5 Lessons From the Panic of 2012

From Survival and BeyondTEOTWAWKI   Blog The gun control madness has been frustrating for most of us, but I think there are some helpful observations we can extrapolate from the whole mess. This time around, we’re seeing panic buying of guns, magazines and ammunition. Now, extend that to the initial hours/days after a wide scale collapse scenario, when you have people running out and buying anything and everything under the sun. Food. Water. Batteries. Tools. Camping gear. Everything. Using the current panic buying environment as a case study, here are a few things you can expect to see: #1. Have what you need on hand: Pretty self explanatory. You don’t want to be in the situation …

news Survivalism

What is the best survival food?

A look at various survival foods, and I give my humble opinion as to what the best survival food is! It may surprise you that I go against the tradition prepper advice and go with an easy to prepare, easy to put in a bug out bag food The post What is the best survival food? appeared first on Guide to wilderness Survival.