news Disasters

Sweden: Muslims Stream Three-Hour Rape On Facebook Live

If their “prophet” were alive today, he’d be live-streaming every rape and war crime possible. For peaceful purposes … Al Rod Al Anf, Volume 2, Page 182: “You see our god Allah will soon make you inherit their land, their treasures and make you sleep with rape their women.” – The “prophet” Mohammed Revelation 9:21, “And they did not repent of … their sexual immorality …” By Patrick Knox, The Sun – “TWO migrants from Afghanistan have reportedly been arrested over the three-hour gang rape of a woman that was broadcast on Facebook Live. The two men, aged 18 and 20, who are both from Afghanistan, were arrested in the city at the weekend after police were tipped off by …” Read more.

news Disasters

Saudi Arabia’s Top “Destroy-All-Churches” Cleric Calls Twitter “The Source Of All Evil And Devastation”

Because it’s “a source of lies and falsehood.” This is quite eye-opening. I had no idea that Twitter was the source of Islam … Qur’an Sura 8:12b, “… terrorize and behead …” Ahram Online – “Twitter is nothing more than ‘a source of lies’ and evil, Saudi Arabia’s top Muslim cleric said, in comments that sparked lively debate Tuesday on the microblogging site. ‘If it were used correctly, it could be of real benefit, but unfortunately it’s exploited for trivial matters,’ Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said on his ‘Fatwa’ television show broadcast late Monday. Twitter is ‘the source of all evil and devastation’, the mufti said. ‘People are rushing to it thinking it’s a source of credible information but it’s …” Read

news Disasters

Sweden: Gang Of “Youths” In Muslim Area Viciously Assault Elderly Man After Thinking His Hearing Aid Was Police Radio

Qur’an Sura 18:26, “Allah maketh none to share in his government.” – “While non-Islamic authorities such as police, the fire service and postmen are regularly attacked in Muslim areas all over Europe, Islamic authorities such as imams, sharia courts and patrolling groups of Muslim fathers are highly respected. That is because according to the Quran, only Allah’s law – the Sharia – is allowed to rule on Earth. Man-made law – democracy – and its representatives and upholders are to be …” Read more.

news Disasters

Sudan: Islamist Government Still Bombing Christians, ‘The International Community Is So Silent About The Killing’

MorningStarNews – “Non-Arab Christians in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains said they feel forgotten after Sudanese air forces killed at least 11 of the faithful in bombings before and after Christmas, according to area sources. Following bombings of non-Arab civilians in Christian villages in Sudan’s South Kordofan state from Dec. 18 to Dec. 26, the ethnic Nuba

news Disasters

Australian Islamist: We Will Establish The Caliphate, Instate Sharia Law, Make Arabic The Official Language

And the religion of peace will do all of this by any and all means necessary (except peaceful means, of course) … Ismail Al-Wahwah, Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia: “That is the duty of the caliphate – to implement Islam internally and carry the light of Islam to the rest of the world. How?

news Disasters

Sudan: Islamist Government Still Bombing Christians, ‘The International Community Is So Silent About The Killing’

MorningStarNews – “Non-Arab Christians in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains said they feel forgotten after Sudanese air forces killed at least 11 of the faithful in bombings before and after Christmas, according to area sources. Following bombings of non-Arab civilians in Christian villages in Sudan’s South Kordofan state from Dec. 18 to Dec. 26, the ethnic Nuba

news Disasters

Australian Islamist: We Will Establish The Caliphate, Instate Sharia Law, Make Arabic The Official Language

And the religion of peace will do all of this by any and all means necessary (except peaceful means, of course) … Ismail Al-Wahwah, Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia: “That is the duty of the caliphate – to implement Islam internally and carry the light of Islam to the rest of the world. How?

news Disasters

Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt’s Christians With Genocide, ‘You Will Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth’

By Raymond Ibrahim, Gatestone Institute – “Islamic leaders continue to portray the popular protests against President Morsi and his recently passed Sharia-heavy constitution as products of Egypt’s Christians. Recently, Muslim Brotherhood leader Safwat Hegazy said in an open rally, as captured on video: A message to the church of Egypt, from an Egyptian Muslim: I

news Disasters

Nigerian President Warns The End Times May Be ‘So Close’ After Islamists Massacre 15 More Christians Attending Church

PM News – “In another deadly move portraying Nigeria’s Borno state as a killing field for Nigerian Christians, attackers have stormed a church service in Kiyak village in the outskirts of Chibok, killing another set of 15 worshippers. It was the second major killing of Christians in the Chibok area. Early in December, 10 Christians

news Disasters

France: Muslim Mobs Burn Nearly 1,200 Cars On New Year’s Eve

For peaceful purposes … The Conservative Papers – “Interior Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday that 1,193 vehicles were burned overnight around the country.  Clashes between police and offenders in the New Year’s Eve took place in the Muslim majority districts in the city of Strasbourg and Mulhouse.  About seven police officers were attacked New Years

news Disasters

The Islamization Of France In 2012

By Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute – “Opinion surveys show that to voters in France — home to an estimated 6.5 million Muslims, the largest Muslim population in the European Union — Islam and the question of Muslim immigration have emerged in 2012 as a top-ranked public concern. The French, it seems, are increasingly worried about

news Disasters

Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration, Influencing US Policy

It’s good to see them confirming what we already knew. Just don’t expect Barack Obama to be dissatisfied with any of it any time soon … By John Rossomando, IPT – “An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over

news Disasters

Intelligence Report: Islamist Extremists Radicalizing Canadians At ‘A Large Number Of Venues’

Canada has made many wise statements and has taken necessary steps in the past when confronting Islamic extremism. Unfortunately, however, human hands can never put this genie back in the bottle … By Stewart Bell, National Post – “Islamist extremists are now radicalizing Canadians at ‘a large number of venues,’ according to a secret intelligence

news Disasters

Egypt’s Morsi In 2010: Jews Are Blood-Sucking Descendants Of Apes And Pigs, ‘We Should Employ All Forms Of Resistance Against Them’

For some reason I suddenly envisioned a choir of Muslim Brotherhood men singing Cindy Lauper’s “True Colors” … Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (Archival): “These futile (Israeli-Palestinian) negotiations are a waste of time and opportunities. The Zionists buy time and gain more opportunities, as the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the Muslims lose time and opportunities, and

news Disasters

When The Mahdi Comes, ‘Not A Single Jew Will Be Left On The Face Of The Earth’

Because the absence of Jews means the presence of peace upon the earth. Of course, only once Sunni Muslims then destroy all the Shia Muslims. Or vice versa. And once all the “devout” Muslims then kill all the remaining less-devout infidel Muslims. Yes, then there will finally be peace on earth … Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Al-Masri:

news Disasters

Sudan: Islamist Government Still Bombing Christians, ‘The International Community Is So Silent About The Killing’

MorningStarNews – “Non-Arab Christians in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains said they feel forgotten after Sudanese air forces killed at least 11 of the faithful in bombings before and after Christmas, according to area sources. Following bombings of non-Arab civilians in Christian villages in Sudan’s South Kordofan state from Dec. 18 to Dec. 26, the ethnic Nuba

news Disasters

Australian Islamist: We Will Establish The Caliphate, Instate Sharia Law, Make Arabic The Official Language

And the religion of peace will do all of this by any and all means necessary (except peaceful means, of course) … Ismail Al-Wahwah, Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia: “That is the duty of the caliphate – to implement Islam internally and carry the light of Islam to the rest of the world. How?