news Disasters

Shell’s Arctic oil rig hits the rocks

All rights reserved. Credit: US Coast Guard More evidence that we cannot let Shell drill in the Arctic Image caption: More evidence that we cannot let Shell drill in the Arctic In yet another example of just why drilling for oil in the Arctic is such a monumentally bad idea, Shell’s drilling rig, the Kulluk, has run aground off the island of Sitkalidak, near Kodiak in Alaska. The ancient rig was being towed back to harbour after a spectacularly unsuccessful summer drilling season when it ran into serious trouble and hit the shore.Last Thursday the Kulluk was being towed back from the Arctic by Shell’s brand new $200m tug the Aiviq when it hit heavy weather in the gulf of Alaska that caused the…

news Disasters

Shell’s Arctic oil rig hits the rocks

All rights reserved. Credit: US Coast Guard More evidence that we cannot let Shell drill in the Arctic Image caption: More evidence that we cannot let Shell drill in the Arctic In yet another example of just why drilling for oil in the Arctic is such a monumentally bad idea, Shell’s drilling rig, the Kulluk, has run aground off the island of Sitkalidak, near Kodiak in Alaska. The ancient rig was being towed back to harbour after a spectacularly unsuccessful summer drilling season when it ran into serious trouble and hit the shore.Last Thursday the Kulluk was being towed back from the Arctic by Shell’s brand new $200m tug the Aiviq when it hit heavy weather in the…

news Disasters

Dear Waitrose, please dump Shell this Christmas

Waitrose – aren’t they meant to be one of the more ethical supermarkets, a green leader? Well in many ways they are – Greenpeace’s oceans team has worked closely with Waitrose in the past to help them source their fish more sustainably and we know many of those who shop at Waitrose, do so to make an ethical choice. But back in April we were shocked to learn that Waitrose had a new friend, and that this friend, Shell, was one of the most destructive and exploitative oil companies in the world. Greenpeace are campaigning hard to save the Arctic from oil drilling. The Arctic is one of the last remaining wild places on the planet, and a vitally important eco-system, home to unique species …

news Disasters

Shell’s Arctic oil rig hits the rocks

All rights reserved. Credit: US Coast Guard More evidence that we cannot let Shell drill in the Arctic Image caption: More evidence that we cannot let Shell drill in the Arctic In yet another example of just why drilling for oil in the Arctic is such a monumentally bad idea, Shell’s drilling rig, the Kulluk, has run aground off the island of Sitkalidak, near Kodiak in Alaska. The ancient rig was being towed back to harbour after a spectacularly unsuccessful summer drilling season when it ran into serious trouble and hit the shore.Last Thursday the Kulluk was being towed back from the Arctic by Shell’s brand new $200m tug the Aiviq when it hit heavy weather in the gulf of Alaska that caused …