news self defense

Barefoot (ball of the foot) running

If you’re looking at the title of this article and wondering what barefoot running has got to do with martial arts and self-defence please read on, as like me, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Let me also take the opportunity to add that I used to hate running, sorry runners but I find it dull and

news self defense

Fighting stance: which foot forward?

For a while now I have been asking myself whether it’s better to have your dominant or weaker side forward in your fighting stance. A lot of people say it depends on your fighting style and which is your strongest hand but I believe that there is more to it than that. For example in

news self defense

Mastering pain

Pain is a really important part of every sport, especially martial arts. It tells us when we’ve been punched or kicked, when we’re injured and when our physical and mental boundaries are being pushed to their limit.  This last point is the focus for this article as I want to explore the idea of ‘positive