news self defense

Toughen Up Self-Defense Blog Survey

In an effort to direct the content of this blog towards your specific needs, interests and problems, I’ve designed a short survey.  Please take a moment to fill it out and let me know the type of information that you would like to see posted and made available through this blog. Thanks in advance, Randy

news self defense

Eight Multiple Attacker Training Methods

; This post is an installment in the Defend Yourself Against Multiple Attackers series.  If you  prefer to read the series in order please click on the link in this paragraph. Training Method #1 – Get yourself into fighting shape Many self-defense authorities suggest that you don’t need to be in good physical condition to

news self defense

Nine Street Fighting Tactics For A Multiple Attacker Fight

This post is an installment in the Defend Yourself Against Multiple Attackers series. Street Fighting Tactic #1 – Constant Unpredictable Movement A moving target is harder to hit, corner or gang up on. Using constant movement and unpredictable shifting to avoid and reposition yourself in relation to your attackers makes it harder for them to