news Prepping

How to Make Homemade Deodorant

If we are ever faced with a TEOTWAWKI type situation, given that most people are far from prepared with hygienic items like deodorant — let alone food — the world is going to literally become a stinky place (you ever been in a packed bus in a third-world country? Not fun I tell ya, not fun). Well, by storing a few extra items as part of your preps you’ll become the go-to guy (or gal) for those looking to manage their underarm issues. Heck, I’m sure you’ll even get some sweet barter deals out of it, “Hey man, how bout we trade my ammo for your homemade deodorant? My wife won’t let me back in the house …

news Prepping

How Preppers Can Help

Feeding the Hungry is also Feeding Hope This Christmas season, see if there is anything you can do to help the less fortunate in your community.  As a prepper, I know we should take care of our family and ourselves first, but if some of us have had a good year and our families are taken care of, there is no better time to look to our friends and  community.  Preppers are in a unique position to help others in many ways.  My faith is very clear on the matter of giving as many religions are, so I believe if we can help, we should help. One of the easiest things preppers can do to help is to donate food, especially during this time of year as …

news Survivalism

Why You Shouldn’t Count on Hunting After SHTF

From Survival and BeyondBy PJ – I know many hunters who think they will be able to rely on their skills when the SHTF, that they will be able to take game in order to sustain their family over a sustained period of time.  In the short run this might be true, in the long run nothing could be further from the truth.  If you sit down and take a look at the basic math of the position I’m about to take on this subject, the conclusion is irrefutable.  Using the Whitetail Deer for my case study, let’s walk the dog on this one. – In the late 1800?s the population of the US was …