news Disasters

Recapturing the freedom of artisanal fishing

Being an artisanal fisherman is synonymous with freedom, says Gwen Pennarun, from Saint Marine, Brittany. At least, it used to be. Today, Gwen says, you have to go fishing when the fish is there. Unsustainable and destructive fishing methods, often by industrial boats, have contributed to over 70{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} of our fish stocks being depleted. Small scale fishermen like Gwen, who have been fishing responsibly for generations, are increasingly concerned for the health of our seas. Gwen is the president of an association which promotes line-caught sea bass in Brittany and which is dedicated to promote the values of pole and line fishing: authenticity, passion and a conviction that they can and must fish in a way that is sustainable and respectful. They …

news Disasters

At last, a victory for sustainable fishing

All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace Yesterday morning in chilly Brussels I joined small scale fishermen and Greenpeace campaigners who had travelled from all over Europe to demonstrate together outside the European Council Building. We were there to remind ministers to put the health of our oceans first, in the reform process of the European laws that govern our seas. Melanie Laurent, French film star of Inglourious Basterds fame, joined us. But despite having a star in our midst, the fishermen stole the show with politicians coming over to say hello, listen to their stories, and European press asking for interviews. What happened next quite frankly took us all by surprise: politicians voted on bold and sweeping reform, dedicated to bringing Europe’s fish stocks back to…