news self defense


We R Cute Shoplifters: Inside the hidden teenage world of Tumblr’s pro-Bernie, anti-capitalist Bling Ring»“It was in 1816 that Swiss physician André Matthey identified and defined “klopemanie,” describing it as an impulse to steal things one didn’t need. Researchers who built on his work characterized it as a form of moral insanity, and many of them believed it was a condition that only affected women. For this reason, there were attempts to link its apparent prevalence among women to their biological nature. By the time Mary Ramsbotham appeared in court, tried for theft, her legal defense was able to successfully argue that she was suffering from a bout …

news Survivalism

Technology Addiction in the Electronic Age: Worldwide Progress or Servitude?

From Survival and BeyondBy Joel S. Hirschhorn – Global Research Everywhere I look outside my home I see people busy on their high tech devices, while driving, while walking, while shopping, while in groups of friends, while in restaurants, while waiting in doctor offices and hospitals, while sitting in toilets – everywhere.  While connected electronically, they are inattentive to and disconnected in physical reality. People have been steadily manipulated to become technology addicted.  Technology is the opiate of the masses. This results in technology servitude.  I am referring to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money.  Most people do not use independent, critical thinking to question whether…

news Survivalism

Technology Addiction in the Electronic Age: Worldwide Progress or Servitude?

From Survival and BeyondBy Joel S. Hirschhorn – Global Research Everywhere I look outside my home I see people busy on their high tech devices, while driving, while walking, while shopping, while in groups of friends, while in restaurants, while waiting in doctor offices and hospitals, while sitting in toilets – everywhere.  While connected electronically, they are inattentive to and disconnected in physical reality. People have been steadily manipulated to become technology addicted.  Technology is the opiate of the masses. This results in technology servitude.  I am referring to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that …