news Prepping

How Preppers Can Help

Feeding the Hungry is also Feeding Hope This Christmas season, see if there is anything you can do to help the less fortunate in your community.  As a prepper, I know we should take care of our family and ourselves first, but if some of us have had a good year and our families are taken care of, there is no better time to look to our friends and  community.  Preppers are in a unique position to help others in many ways.  My faith is very clear on the matter of giving as many religions are, so I believe if we can help, we should help. One of the easiest things preppers can do to help is to donate food, especially during this time of year as …

news Prepping

Book Review: Preppers Home Defense

Preppers Home Defense, by Jim Cobb Security Strategies to Protect Your Family  Prepper’s Home Defense (find it online by clicking here) offers different ways to plan for the defense and security of your home.  The author, Jim Cobb, writes in a very readable and understandable manner.  I understood his techniques and did not have to struggle to finish the book.  Prepper’s Home Defense covers many other topics related to home security, that were also very helpful, but what I really enjoyed and got the most out of, was the information on how to set up and layer my home defenses. The techniques Jim covers in the book, when properly implemented, will not only help secure …