News Collapse of Society

Sewing for Sustainability; Making Feudalism Fabulous

Heather CallaghanActivist PostWithout going on a diatribe about the hallmarks of modern “science” – a cult-ure of culturing the public – I would just like to say I’ve read yet another asinine piece pretending to be a study. It is a thinly veiled attempt to influence young people to “do without even less than you have now, and get used to it – embrace it. And by the way, you suck at life.”Read enough studies and you get a clear underlying tone: “You are worthless, you are small, you are the cancer on the earth, do without, don’t even exhale or you might damage the Earth – you should be taxed for that…” and so on. It’s …

Books-Survival Skills

When Technology Fails (Revised & Expanded): A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency

There’s never been a better time to “be prepared.” Matthew Stein’s comprehensive primer on sustainable living skills–from food and water to shelter and energy to […]

news Self-sufficiency

Sustainable, Self-Sufficient, Off-the-Grid Houses: Earthsip Biotecture and Mike Reynolds

I talked about this in my last post, about Mike Reynolds the ‘Garbage Warrior’. He builds houses that are essentially made of garbage (about 45{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9}), relies largely on the sun for heating (and dirt-filled tire walls to keep in heat), grows plants inside and outside for food, catches rainwater and recycles the water used through grey water recycling and plant purification. I want one of these house so bad! And you can watch the full documentary Garbage Warrior about Mike here: