news Prepping

Sweet Green Pickle Recipe

Sweet Green Pickle Print Prepare and chop all the veg into fairly small dice. Break the cauliflower into small florets. Put all veg into a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and cover with water. Put a plate in to weigh it down and leave overnight. Next day drain the brine and put the veg in a pan with 300 ml (10 fl. oz) of the vinegar. Add 250 ml (8 fl.oz) water and bring to the boil. Drain immediately and do not allow the veg to cook. Put the remaining vinegar in another pan, add the spices and the flour mixed with…

news Prepping

Reader Comments Roundup: Save Your Scissors, Tea Balls, Firearms and More!

photo by geishaboy500 I’ve had quite a few of you comment over the course of this blog, and many of those comments are incredibly insightful, so I thought I’d start sharing some of the top comments with all of you!  In the interest of keeping this post under five pages long, here are some of my favorite comments from just the last week. From Janie on The Short List of Essential Off Grid Sewing Supplies: “Keep your family from using your fabric scissors by putting a lock through the handles. A luggage lock will do or, — as a friend of mine did (after her husband used her fabric scissors for trimming a radiator hose)…

news Prepping

Doomsday Preppers: Escape From New York Preview PLUS Survival Kit Giveaway!

Have you been keeping up with National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers show?  This week is one you city dwellers especially will want to catch.  Escape From New York follows three different preppers in New York City who believe their best chance for survival from (***insert preferred disaster scenario here***) is to get out of the city.  With the entire episode focusing on getting out of a city, there is a lot of great information for those who may be in that situation when disaster strikes. I think this is my favorite episode so far, probably because they skip the “expert assessment” at the end and just…

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a …

news Prepping

Food Storage and Survival Top 10 of 2012!

As the year winds down, I want to give a special thanks to all my fantastic readers and blog sponsors!  Blog traffic is up more than 250{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} over last year and I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate your visits, comments, and questions!  Thank you!  Looking back over the year, here are the top 10 posts from 2012: 10.  What are Gamma Seal Lids and How to Install Them.  You’ll want a few of these lids if you’re storing food in buckets! 9.  Eight Great Powerless Cooking Options.  How many of these do you have? 8.  Four Reasons I Won’t Be Buying Survival Seeds. 7. 6 Tips for …

news Prepping

‘Twas the Night Before Doomsday…..By Robert Hawkins

‘Twas the night before Doomsday…. and all over the world, everyone was sayin, “The End has unfurled!!” There is no tomorrow, the end is in sight. What lay’s ahead is a TERRIBLE FRIGHT! But safe in their bed’s, all snuggled and warm, are preppers who rest, assured there’s no harm. For deep in their slumber, so safe where they lay. They gain blessed peace, to face each new day. Efforts to prepare, independence from without, is always in mind, in preppers, no doubt. They look to tomorrow, as a bright futures reach. And in knowing of how, for others they teach. …

news Survivalism

Fungal Infections

Minor infections can affect your group’s efficiency in times of trouble. In addition to viruses and bacteria, our body may be susceptible to “yeast”. Yeast is a fungus that is one-celled and reproduces by budding off the parent. The human body naturally harbors certain types but can be damaged by others. Fungal infections may be

news Prepping

Sweet Green Pickle Recipe

Sweet Green Pickle Print Prepare and chop all the veg into fairly small dice. Break the cauliflower into small florets. Put all veg into a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and cover with water. Put a plate in to weigh it down and leave overnight. Next day drain the brine and put the veg in a pan with 300 ml (10 fl. oz) of the vinegar. Add 250 ml (8 fl.oz) water and bring to the boil. Drain immediately and do not allow the veg to cook. Put the remaining vinegar in another pan, add the spices and the flour mixed with a bit of vinegar so it is a paste. Warm the pan and add the sugar and stir over a low heat until dissolved. …

news Prepping

Food Storage and Survival Top 10 of 2012!

As the year winds down, I want to give a special thanks to all my fantastic readers and blog sponsors!  Blog traffic is up more than 250{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} over last year and I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate your visits, comments, and questions!  Thank you!  Looking back over the year, here are the top 10 posts from 2012: 10.  What are Gamma Seal Lids and How to Install Them.  You’ll want a few of these lids if you’re storing food in buckets! 9.  Eight Great Powerless Cooking Options.  How many of these do you have? 8.  Four Reasons I Won’t Be Buying Survival Seeds. 7. 6 Tips for Success if You’re Planting Your Garden …

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a wall plug and you …

news Survivalism

Fungal Infections

Minor infections can affect your group’s efficiency in times of trouble. In addition to viruses and bacteria, our body may be susceptible to “yeast”. Yeast is a fungus that is one-celled and reproduces by budding off the parent. The human body naturally harbors certain types but can be damaged by others. Fungal infections may be

news Self-sufficiency

Sustainable, Self-Sufficient, Off-the-Grid Houses: Earthsip Biotecture and Mike Reynolds

I talked about this in my last post, about Mike Reynolds the ‘Garbage Warrior’. He builds houses that are essentially made of garbage (about 45{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9}), relies largely on the sun for heating (and dirt-filled tire walls to keep in heat), grows plants inside and outside for food, catches rainwater and recycles the water used through grey water recycling and plant purification. I want one of these house so bad! And you can watch the full documentary Garbage Warrior about Mike here:

news Self-sufficiency

Jamie Stewart from Xiu Xiu Recalls His Father’s Suicide

I was visiting the Xiu Xiu website, since every now and then Jamie Stewart will write something of interest: either dramatic life stuff, or fun silliness, and came upon a really intense post about his father’s suicide which occurred 10 years earlier. Here it is in full: On November 13th, 2002, 10 years ago, my father, Michael, killed himself. He may have actually died on the night of the 12th, but my mom found his body on the 13th. Her own mother had died only 6 months before. I have never told anyone my entire experience of those days or of the funeral. At the time I was working at East Side San Jose Child Development Center. The student population was largely impoverished or…

news Self-sufficiency

Hawthorn Ketchup recipe

During most of my autumn courses I either run through how to make hawthorn ketchup or I have some on hand to try (preferable both!).  This year I thought I would at least get round to having the recipe up whilst they are in season .  This makes a very red and very delicious ketchup which can be used in the same way as a tomato ketchup. Please note that those on any heart medication are advised not to eat haws/hawthorn berries. Ingredients Mixed haw berries (midland hawthorn and common) 500g haws 300ml vinegar – red wine, cider or malt 170g sugar spices to taste – coriander, cumin…