news Survivalism

Breaking Down the Matrix of the New World Order

From Survival and BeyondBy Ed Corcoran The more you start looking into the things that are going on in the world and the less you pay attention to the corporate-controlled “mainstream” media, the more it becomes obvious that there is a movement taking place that’s pushing us towards a global government and the ultimate loss of our individual freedoms, liberties and quality of life. The systems and mechanisms that have been directing the course of our economy, government and society in America are various and sundry, with many seemingly disparate and unrelated branches and platforms. Due to gradual and continuous conditioning and indoctrination, these control mechanisms have not only managed…

News Collapse of Society

Econ4: Statement on Healthcare

We are economists who think that the economy should serve people, the planet and the future. The United States ranks first in the world in health care spending per person, but only 45th in life expectancy. The average American sees a doctor less often than the average Canadian, the average Briton, or the average resident of most industrial democracies. The average life expectancy of white Americans without a high school degree has fallen since 1990 by three years for men and five years for women. This paradoxical combination of first-class costs and second-rate performance is a result of a multi-…

news Survivalism

Why You Shouldn’t Count on Hunting After SHTF

From Survival and BeyondBy PJ – I know many hunters who think they will be able to rely on their skills when the SHTF, that they will be able to take game in order to sustain their family over a sustained period of time.  In the short run this might be true, in the long run nothing could be further from the truth.  If you sit down and take a look at the basic math of the position I’m about to take on this subject, the conclusion is irrefutable.  Using the Whitetail Deer for my case study, let’s walk the dog on this one. – In the late 1800?s the population of the US was …