More of that good shit from Buffalo, New York. In a different life I think I would (have) live(d) in Buffalo – hell, in a different life I would be from Buffalo – but I live in this life. In this life I say I’m from Oklahoma even though I didn’t move there until I was twelve and I always wished I was from Texas while I lived there (but really I wished I lived anywhere but there while I lived there) and I’ve probably been to Buffalo less than ten times but….I still feel like I would live there, you know? Tapes like this aren’t the reason for those feelings, but they surely don’t hurt. This is the shit that (only?) happens in a vacuum – college alt through a modern basement DIY filter, presented in a way that focuses on neither but showcases both. This is what happens when you live in a place where you might have rules (there are rules everywhere) but the guardrails are off and you can still do what you need to do with the people you love. And this….this is why I sometimes feel like I want to grow old and die in Buffalo. Not because of EYES AND FLIES, but also a little bit because of EYES AND FLIES, you know?

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