It seems like every time I revisit turn of the century fastcore I miss the era more. Still not totally sure if I miss the bands and the scene more than I miss the fact that I wasn’t old and decrepit (I’m joking – it’s definitely the bands…and the freedom to go see all of them). FASTGAME exemplifies the absolute explosion of the scene in what seemed like “far corners” of the world to tunnel vision North American punks – while we were singing along with nine of our closest friends in Rapid City, South Dakota these kids were covering our songs to throngs of rabid thrashers who knew every word. It was a different time…and while it was impossible to be everywhere at once, it’s nice to look back into the time machine and see what you missed the first time. Shit flies by, y’all – soak up as much as you can becauser you don’t get it back.

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