If you come here looking for the second coming of Montreal’s best DIY punk export, then you’re going to be disappointed, because SANCTION A are not trying to be BORN DEAD ICONS, though half of that band is present in this one. However (and you’re a dick if you aren’t still reading, but then if you aren’t still reading then you’re not even going to know that you’re a dick), SANCTION A were doing something so different and so wholly interesting on this 2017 demo that if you’re still thinking about Salvation On The Knees after you hear “Sacrifice” then you clearly aren’t listening. Simplicity is the key, with sharp vocals barked over Blinko blunt song construction with (still) that Greg Sage vibe that Francis just can’t shake (and we’re glad). Eight songs here, ad the title suggests, and I can only hope that there are (or were) more lurking somewhere, more that will be recorded or unearthed someday. I’m patient…took me six years to hear this one. 

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