Terrorists And Saboteurs Are Surging Into America

How are those open-border policies working? They aren’t. America’s chickens are coming home to roost …

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Gatestone Institute – “A caravan of some 7,000 people, one of the largest ever, is now making its way to the U.S. During the last few weeks, Rubin has been reporting on this mass movement of humanity as it surges toward America.

Those who want to cross the U.S. southern border and do not live in this hemisphere usually fly to Quito because Ecuador allows visa-free entry to Chinese and others, such as those from the Middle East…

The most confrontational of the groups in the caravan are military-aged Syrian males. Rubin also saw South Americans with markings indicating gang affiliations.

‘I see aliens from over a hundred countries,’ war correspondent Michael Yon, who is currently near the Darien Gap, told Gatestone, ‘including growing rivers of Chinese, Arabs of many sorts, Afghans of various sorts, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Iranians, Venezuelans, and on and on.’ By far, most are military-aged men unencumbered by impulse control or political correctness.’

There are definitely ‘people of interest’ coming through …” Read more.

Special Forces Vet Tim Kennedy To Joe Rogan: Mass Terrorism Is Coming To America, “It Should Scare You To Death, We’re Going To Have A Real Bad Year” – “Google how many known people on the terror watch list have made it across [our open borders] and it’ll scare the crap out of you… the number of those that we have captured at the border, obviously, is just going to be a drop in a bucket… in light of what just happened in Israel where … they were able to kill 1,400 people in one day and then you look at the number — and that was a thousand insurgents total –and then you look at the number of people that have been coming over the border for the past three years that we know are radicalized that we know are on watch lists… it should scare you to death.” Read more.

Flashback: We’ve Found Muslim Clothing, Qurans: Texas Sheriff Warns Of ISIS Terrorists Entering US, “The Border Is Wide Open” – “Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter said that law enforcement agencies along the ‘wide open’ border have received alerts to be on the lookout for terrorists … ‘I think it’d be naive to say that (ISIS is) not here… We have found Muslim clothing, they have found Quran books that are lying on the side of the trail, so we know that there are Muslims that have come across and are being smuggled into the United States,’ …” Read more.

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