Thanks-For The Whiskey-Giving – Academy of Self Defense

Happy Thanksgiving, Santa Clara!

Before you dive into the turkey and trimmings, we’ve got a different kind of feast for you. It’s time for “Whiskey WOD #34: Thanks-For The Whiskey-Giving”, a TABATA workout that’ll leave you more satisfied than your favorite Thanksgiving dish.

Today’s Fitness Menu:

  • Start with Bagwork – Sprawls, to get the heart racing and the body warmed up.
  • Move into Squat Thrusts – Squat Holds, a delicious combo of dynamic movement and static strength.
  • Feast on Resistance Curls – Shoulder Raises, to sculpt those arms for the holiday season.
  • Enjoy the side dish of Curtsy Lunge – Pulse Lunge, because who doesn’t love a good leg day?
  • Dig into Lower Abs – Crunches, for that core strength that holds everything together.
  • Savor the Pop-Ups – Push-Ups, a perfect blend of cardio and endurance.
  • And finally, sprint it out with Ball Sprints, because what’s a feast without a grand finale?

Leading today’s banquet of exercises is Coach James. His energy and guidance are like the perfect seasoning to your workout, ensuring every move is as effective as it is enjoyable.

So, come join us at 12 pm at the Academy of Self Defense. Let’s give thanks for our strength, our health, and our community. Who says you can’t have your pie and eat it too?

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