The Full History Of Hamas

The Full History Of Hamas

“Hamas has been terrorizing Israelis and Palestinians since 1987. Take a deep dive into the full story of Hamas’ terrorism and crimes, all the way since their inception, through them seizing power in Gaza in 2007, to the present day and war.” Any nation that calls for a “ceasefire” between Hamas and Israel is calling for the perpetuation of this evil lawlessness

See: Video: The Shocking Truth About Gaza
See: Senior Hamas Leader: The Entire Planet Will Be Under Our Law
See: Hamas Promises Worse Attack On Israel Than October 7th, ‘Won’t Be Long’
See: Hamas Terror Charter Doesn’t Just Seek To Annihilate Jews, But Christians As Well
See: Hamas: ‘We Will Repeat The October 7 Attack, Time And Again, Until Israel Is Annihilated’
See: Hamas Official: If We Could Turn Back Time, We Would Carry Out The October 7 Attack On Israel All Over Again

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