The Joeys Strike Again: ICJ Orders Immediate Halt To Israel’s Rafah Operations In Gaza

Alongside the Islamic nations and the terrorist organizations that surround the world’s only Jewish state, the “United Nations” is standing against Israel. The “International Criminal Court” is standing against Israel. Now the kangaroo-inspired “International Court of Justice” hops into the fray to stand against Israel. All are essentially demanding that Jews stand down and allow themselves to be mercilessly slaughtered instead of stand up to defend themselves. Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and it shows. Satan has blinded the minds of those who refuse to be guided by truth and he understands full well that the world’s futile efforts to end the self-imposed suffering in Gaza will backfire and serve nothing but to ensure a much larger conflict to come in the name of “peace and security” …

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Israel National News – “The International Court of Justice today delivered its ruling on the Israeli operation in Rafah, ordering that Israel cease all military operations in the Rafah governate. The case comes as part of a larger petition filed by South Africa against Israel, accusing Israel of genocide of the Palestinian people. Other countries have filed requests to join the case as co-claimants for both sides.

The original case was heard approximately four months ago, with a temporary verdict providing certain interim measures against Israel announced a month after that.

The court called the humanitarian situation in Rafah ‘disastrous’, citing an alleged lack of basic necessities in the city and widespread displacement due to Israeli evacuation orders. It also declared that Israel’s humanitarian evacuation and supply efforts have been insufficient to satisfy the existing provisional ruling.

The court ordered that Israel submit a report within a month showing its compliance. Israel was also ordered to comply with investigations into allegations of genocide, and to maintain functional humanitarian routes into Gaza, with emphasis on the Rafah crossing.

Judge Barak and Judge Sebutinde both dissented, as they did in the original ruling.

As part of the verdict, the court called for the immediate release of all remaining hostages, calling it deeply concerning that they remained in captivity.” Read more.

Israel: “No Power on Earth” Will Stop Us From Defending Ourselves – “Ahead of Friday’s ruling, a government spokesperson said ‘no power on Earth will stop Israel from protecting its citizens and going after Hamas in Gaza’. A Hamas spokesman told the BBC: ‘We welcome the decision of the International Court of Justice, which demands that the brutal Zionist entity [Israel] stop its aggression’ in Rafah.
Reading the court’s ruling on Friday, presiding judge Nawaz Salam said that ‘Israel must immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate’ which could bring about ‘the physical destruction’ of the Palestinians – alluding to what constitutes genocide under international law.” Read more.

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