The Pride Of Hamas: What We Did On October 7th Is Upheld By Our “Islamic Values”

The massacre of innocent men, women and children? Burning them alive, beheading, raping, mutilating, taking captives? These uphold “Islamic values”? Sahih Muslim 4457 permits the killing of non-Muslim children. Sahih Bukhari 11:626 permits burning non-Muslims alive. In the Qur’an, Sura 5:33 calls for the massacre and maiming of non-Muslims. Sura 8:12 commands beheading. Sura 33:50 permits the raping of women who have been captured during war. And whatever punishment a Muslim decides to inflict upon the enemies of Islam, they are expressly instructed to “Let not compassion move you from carrying out [Allah’s] law” (Sura 24:2). Yes. The crimes against humanity perpetrated by Hamas on 10/7 and like-minded minions from the abyss of hell are all expressly permitted, even encouraged, under “divine” Islamic law. And, soon, this will not be confined to Israel …

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See: The Mark Of The Beast – What Your Church May Not Be Telling You
See: U
nsealed: A Closer Look At Revelation 6 And ‘The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse’

Breitbart – “The Hamas terrorist organization released a report Sunday into its October 7 attack on Israel, claiming its fighters were committed to ‘Islamic values’ and if civilians were targeted ‘it happened accidentally’ in the course of the murderous rampage.

In its first public report on the killing spree that began the war, Hamas said the incursion – referred to as ‘Operation Al Aqsa Flood’ – was a ‘necessary step’ against Israel’s alleged ‘occupation of Palestinian territories,’ and a way to secure release of Palestinian prisoners.

Hamas’s 16-page report admitted ‘some faults happened…’ and claimed its terror operatives were committed to ‘Islamic values’, but then quickly proceeded to allege ‘the rapid collapse of the Israeli security and military system, and the chaos caused along the border areas’ was to blame for the high civilian casualty list…

All of the above has been documented via extensive footage of the systematic targeting of civilians jubilantly shared and celebrated by Hamas itself as seen through captured helmet-cam footage.

Volunteers who worked on identifying the victims spoke of horrific injuries to women’s bodies, including women whose pelvises had been broken and women who had been shot in the breasts and vagina.

Many had been shot in the face to mutilate them …” Read more.

The Book Of Revelation Prophesied The Coming Of Islam – “Before the return of Christ, the Book of Revelation paints a portrait of a war-mongering, predatory kingdom that would arise in the Middle East. Murder, idolatry, sexual immorality, thievery, capital punishment for refusing to worship as they worship, waging war against God and against His children. According to John, these are some of the most indisputable traits of those who follow after the Beast. And the taking of innocent lives, idolizing Mohammed and his words, bowing down to the Kaaba, touching and kissing the sacred Black Stone, incessant immoral sexual behavior (both spiritual and literal), and the complete expropriation of people and property through violent jihadist warfare for the cause of Allah and his religion, particularly against Jews and Christians, are given absolute sanction under Islamic law… It is unadulterated lawlessness that necessitates unending war against the God of Israel in order to bring about the desired destruction of the Israel of God…” Read more.

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