The Proximal Origin Of A Cover Up – Part One

By Maryam Henein

This paper was one of the single most impactful and influential scientific papers in history, and it expressed conclusions that were not based on sound science or fact, but instead on assumptions.

If you are wondering whether you should bother reading about the debacle behind the Proximal Origins paper, consider that this paper was cited as THE proof that coronavirus originated in wildlife. As such, this paper was one of the single most impactful and influential scientific papers in history, and it expressed conclusions that were not based on sound science or fact, but instead on assumptions. It was basically a SCAM.

All the tales behind dangerous viruses and their subsequent vaccines have been co-opted and maligned with lies and omissions, yet they state these lies as facts in the history books. From polio to smallpox, the virus is different but the playbook is the same. The Rona is no different. Three-and-a- half years later, they are rewriting the narrative before our very eyes.

There is now incontrovertible evidence that the proximal-origin hypothesis was a deliberate cover-up of the facts supporting the lab leak. The decision to hype proximal origin was a political decision to avoid offending China, and have us believe this was a natural spillover. Newly discovered e-mails and messages on Slack both document that a cover up was discussed, planned, and executed.

Continue reading at Maryam’s Substack

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